JJJ Is Sorry? Part 5

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Note Civil War never happened and Tony and Pepper are a couple

Avengers Tower

'Okay okay jeez I get it I'm sorry?!'
The avengers came back to their home after once again saving Earth from another disaster.
And Tony was apologising to Steve for some stupid thing he did during it that almost costed his life.
"I swear to God Tony! I'm going to call Pepper if you keep doing this" Steve sighs
"Anything but Pepper... Please anything just dont. call. her" Tony looked at Steve, betrayed.

The group, well more liked Tony and Steeb continued their argument. One that Steve was winning.
That was until they stepped into their living room and saw Fury calmly sitting in Clints favourite spot waiting for them.
"This isn't gonna be good is it?" Natasha said bluntly
"No, it's not, so I suggest you all sit down" Nick said in an equally monotone voice.

------------------ Time Skip Brought To You By The Bugle ------------------------------------

Bruce looked at Fury in shock
"Wait really? So this huge grape? Thanos? Is going to wipe half of the universe with some fancy rocks and is coming HERE?!"
Note that Bruce was looking a little green at this.
Nick looked at him
"Yes, so Hulk it down or I will have to call for back up"
Bruce sat down and started breathing, but he still looked a tad bit green.

Steve this time got up and spoke calmly like the old man he is
"But we can handle him right? I mean You came here for something so what is it?"
Nick looked at him dead in the eyes and said three words that shut all of the Avengers up
"We need Spiderman"

And for the first time since Nick got there, Tony spoke quietly 
"But he's gone, he quit, no one knows where he is, its not like you kno-

Nick just smirked the billionaires reaction, guess he ain't a geniuses for no reason.
He then stood up silently and dropped a single file on the table and left.

Natasha went to pick that file up and read it out loud for everyone to hear
"Confidential. Spiderman"

The team then spent the rest of the day looking over the file

With Peter

"Umm Pete you good?" Some random classmate of his said to him after noticing him shiver

For the longest time Peter just felt his spider senses acting up a storm, the last time that happened his identity almost got exposed when he was out as Spiderman, but that was a long time ago.
He then remembered the question and turned to the guy which asked it and just said it it was cold.
But still his mind wandered
What the hell was that just now?

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