Chapter 1

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"Oh, come on Yosuke! It wasn't that bad!"

"Chie, it was purple! Curry is not supposed to be purple! I thought I was going to die from how spicy it was!"

"It wasn't that bad..." she said pouting.

"It was pretty nasty," Yu said bluntly.

"You guys are so mean!"

"Don't make us out to be the bad guys! You and Yukiko tried to kill us!"

The Investigation Team and Nanako were currently sitting in the Junes food court. Somehow, they had gotten on the topic of food. Which of course led to the age-old debate of who the best cook was.

Kanji rolled his eyes as the argument continued. "Okay, this is getting freaking ridiculous! You all keep saying you are going to have a cooking competition, but you never do! Just do it and get it over with! You've been arguing about this for months!"

Rise nodded, "Kanji-Kun is right, let's have a cooking contest this weekend!"

"Oh, I want to enter!" Teddie said cheerfully.

"Who all would be competing?" Yu asked.

"I don't want to." Said Yosuke. "I can be a judge."

"I'll be a judge too." Said Kanji. "I burn eggs."

"Oh, I wanna be a judge too!" Nanako said cheerfully. "Then I get to eat all the yummy food!"

"Nanako-chan," Yosuke started. "If you're eating something made by Chie, Yukiko, or Rise, it's not going to be yummy."

"Hey!" Chie smacked him with her shoe. When did she have time to take it off?

"We only need three judges, so I guess the rest of us will be the competitors," Yukiko said looking at the others.

"Wait," Naoto looked up. "I don't want to be a part of this. I'll be a judge with Nanako-chan and the others."

"Too late Naoto-Kun." Chie grinned evilly. "If you joined the judges, we would have an even number and no way to break ties."

Naoto sighed, "Why does this kind of thing always happen to me..."

"I think you'll... do really good..." Kanji looked over at her blushing. She gave him a small smile in return.

"So, what are we cooking?" Rise asked.

"What kind of food do you want to eat Nanako-chan?" Yukiko asked.

"Hmm..." she grinned "How 'bout dessert?"

"Oh, that sounds good!" Chie said grinning. "I could make a cake! Or brownies! Maybe even cookies... so many choices!"

"Dessert it is." Yu nodded. "Next Friday, everyone bring your dishes to my house and we can all taste them. Of course, the three judges will decide who the winner is. Don't tell the judges what dish you are making, or else they might be biased."

"What's the prize?" Rise asked. "We have to have some kind of incentive!"

"I'll give the winner a $100 Junes gift card," Yosuke stated.


He nodded, "My dad printed up a ton of $100 cards, but they aren't selling. He said I could have one to use when I have friends over. I'll just give it as the prize."

"Man, I have to win now!" Chie said smiling. "I could buy so much meat with that card..."

"I could buy some new clothes!" Rise giggled.

"I could buy ice cream!" Teddie grinned.

"I could buy more towels for the inn!" Yukiko said excitedly.

They all looked at her, "Yukiko that's really lame."

"But we need new towels..."

"That's still really lame."

They all talked for abit longer before parting ways. They each had a week to prepare their dishes,and they needed to get ready...

(A/N - Hey guys! :) I hope you liked it so far. I upload on weekends so I'll see you then!)

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