How You Met

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Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th):

You loved the camp. You just didn't like the rumors.
Jason's gunna get ya, (your name)~
You were almost never scared, until one faithful night. . 

You walked in the camp, followed by Fuzz. A frightened woman ran up to you, crying and bleeding. "Please! Jason Voorhees, he's alive and real! Help me, please!" you were shocked. "Okay, come on and I'll try to help you."

You learned the woman's name was Beth. You were patching up her wounds, and she was frantically telling you about 'Jason'. "H-He almost killed me! We have to leave now!" she said in a rush. She had the look of someone who was almost killed. "Alright, my car's outside. If you could---"
The lights went out.
"He's here! God help us, he's here!" she screamed. "Shush!" you said, lifting her up. Fuzz was hissing at the door.

Soon, the door was off of its hinges.

You were running with Beth, who stumbled and fell. "It hurts so badly. . . " she whimpered. "It's okay, I'll get you to a hospital, it's okay . . ." it was a lie. Beth looked like she was going to die. You tried to pick her up, but something jerked you away and threw you to the ground. You looked on in fear as a hockey-mask wearing man stabbed Beth. He turned to look at you, and seemed to stare. He walked away, leaving you confused.

You walked around in the store, and heard a familiar voice. "Why does Thomas (yes, he now goes by that name in my book) need this stuff? We just need oil for the chainsaw. . . " you glanced at the owner of the voice. Drayton! But, why was Tex with him? You went back on to your shopping, now curious as to who Thomas was.

You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Tex. "Hey, ain't you that girl we sent food to a while back? We got someone for you ta meet, if you're up to it." he said, grinning. "Tex! Stop messin' with the-- Oh. It's you. Ay, did he tell ya about Tommy yet?" Drayton said, now stepping up. "I told 'er she should meet him." he said. You couldn't even talk! "Can I speak, for just a moment? Whose Thomas?" you questioned, stepping away from them. "My little brother." Tex answered. "Well. . . I'd be happy to meet him." you said, smiling. Drayton laughed. "We'll drop him off at your place, just don't freak out."

~:~:~ Leatherface's POV (sort of) ~:~:~

Leatherface was sitting on the couch, looking at his chainsaw and cleaning it. "WE GONNA GET YOU A GIRLFRIEND, JUNIOR!" Thomas looked up as Tex ran in. "Tex, please be quiet." Mama said, walking into the room. "Mama, we gonna drop Junior off at (Your Nickname)'s place. Y'know, the girl we helped out that one time?" Tex said.Thomas was slightly shocked. Girlfriend? (Your Nickname)? "Aye, Junior, we gonna leave in a few minuets. Get ready, bring the chainsaw in case a unwanted visitor comes to 'er place." Thomas quickly got ready to go, he was exited!

~:~:~Your POV (sort of) ~:~:~

You heard a truck pull up, at ten o'clock no less. You watched as the passenger door opened, and someone hopped out. You were watching from the windows, so you didn't see how the person looked.

You heard a knock at the door. You opened it, and it took all of your being to stop from screaming. You stared up at the guy before you. Is this Thomas? What is that mask made out of. . . You stepped to the side so he could walk in, and you noticed he had a chainsaw. Just don't freak out. Tex's words replayed in your head. "So. . . you must be Thomas?" you said, closing the door. The man nodded. "Do you talk?"
He shook his head.
"Oh. . . So. . ." you already felt the awkward set in, for you at least. Thomas did something unexpected. He put the chainsaw down and walked toward you, he lifted you up and put you on his shoulder.
You freaked out. You couldn't help it.

You fell off of his shoulder, and landed on the ground, back first. He looked down at you, you could sense the worry from him. "I'm just. . . not used to being put on someone's shoulder." you laughed slightly. Thomas picked you up gently and sat down with you.

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