Chapter 1

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Athena's pov

I woke up in the morning with the sound of my alarm. It was six am in the morning. I did my regular fitness regime and took a shower. After taking a shower I searched for an outfit in my closet. I put on some light makeup and went out of my room. After climbing down the stairs I made my way to the dining table where my father was already eating his breakfast while reading a newspaper. I quietly went and sat next to him where our butler John served me my breakfast with a smile on his face and greeted me good morning and I greeted him back.

Oh well I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Athena Williams. My father is Mark Williams who also is the owner of our company Williams and Co. We are one of the biggest business empires. Honestly I am extremely proud of what my father has achieved and proud of my heritage as well. My mom's name is Caroline Williams, well was, we sadly lost her to cancer three years ago. We were heartbroken after that but life had to move on. I lost my mom and it was a grief I will always feel but I still had my dad and I had to be strong, for him. It was ten times harder for him to lose her. But we both carried on with our lives.

Today at the age of twenty five I am known as the sole heir of the Williams empire but there is another identity I have. I am also a painter. It was a quality I had inherited from my mom. I absolutely loved it. Whenever I get free I take my brush in my hand and pour my heart out on the canvas in front of me. I sold my paintings online with an anonymous identity as I didn't want many people to know what I did with this hobby of mine. It was really successful. I also today own an art gallery which is running extremely successfully but only my father knows about it. I put up my paintings and also of other artists as well. Many a times I helped struggling artists who are extremely talented and only need the right direction to blossom, I even helped them sell their paintings on my website online. My father said that he was proud of me because I did not take his help or even publicise my gallery with his help but still achieved so much. I was glad about that.

But still my number one priority remained my father. I graduated with a business degree to help him with our company whenever I can. I also want to our headquarters regularly to see how things were going. Even if this was not something I was really interested in doing but still I will never forget my duty towards my name and my father. If he needs me, I will be there.

Anyways, this was all about me. Coming back to the present I was sitting eating my breakfast when my father said, 'Don't feel like greeting your dad, honey?' 'No, I thought you were reading something important printed in the newspaper because you had a serious expression on your face.' I replied. 'Well, actually I wanted to talk something important with you.' He said folding the newspaper keeping it on his aside.

'Something about the company? Do I need to come today? Do you need my help with something dad? I am ready to come.'. 'No, it's not about the company, its something else.'

I nodded my head with curiosity while taking the last bite of my breakfast. 'Are you in a relationship honey?' I almost choked hearing that question.

'Here.' He said handing me a glass of water. 'No, I am not dad. But why are asking this dad?' I asked with a serious face. When it came to 'Love' or 'Dating' or 'Relationship' and stuff I have to admit that I once did dream about finding true love, you know Prince charming and all that bulls*it. I had even tried dating in the past a few times but nothing ever fruitful came out of it. Besides that as I started growing up I started engaging myself in a lot if other things that kept me busy so I never really had the interest or time to focus on this aspect of my life.

My dad took a sip of his cup of coffee and said, 'Honey, I want your honest opinion about this.' He said and I nodded my head again. 'Have you ever thought about marriage?' He asked and my eyes widened. What?!

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