Tick Tock on the Clock, Time Just Seems to Stop

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You know, they say time heals you but I think it just gives you time to accept the higher forces' decision and to rearrange your life. It lets you embrace and learn to face the damage; not help you erase it. And so it has. I still miss you just as much, maybe- and likely- even more. But I no longer cry myself to sleep every night not being able to text you when I can't sleep; or have to leave the room because I thought of something you said and had to replay it over in a quiet room so I don't forget your voice. Not as often, at least. It's still there. That big chunk of my past and my future where you no longer hold a physical form of Aidan Barney. But you're still buried deep in my few good memories I have left. You gave me hell, boy. But you gave me a heaven before then. And you have given me a heaven to look forward to. And I know that you never meant to hurt any of us. And I assure you none of us ever- ever - wanted to hurt you. Take those wings, hold yourself with them because I know that even though you have the option, you won't fly. You'd never leave a man behind.

Small message to a friend, brother, and amazing person. May you forever rest in peace.

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