Go Fish

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"Got any sixes?"

"Go fish."

Eddy threw down his cards with a dissuaded noise. "This is stupid, I hate this game!"

Brett looked up at him. "Well, do you have something that you can propose for us to do instead, as opposed to just whining about it like a big baby?"

This was how Brett had ended up cross legged on the floor, still looking up at Eddy. He wasn't really quite sure when Eddy had stopped becoming 'the demon' in his mind, but over these past few days, he had felt himself enjoying himself more and more, spending a fair portion of time with Eddy that he couldn't simply brush off as making sure that the demon in his basement didn't die on him.

This must be the stupidest case of Stockholm syndrome ever recorded. But it was true, Brett had more or less fallen for Eddy these past few days. Now, that might seem ridiculous by human standards, but by angel standards... it was just so much worse. A day passed in a blink for them, and this stupid pining was borderline insane for his kind, only worstened by the fact that the object of his affection was a demon, of all things. Gosh, he really was an idiot.

The best explanation Brett could find would have to be that he was supposed to be, at his core, a creature of love, and God had told them to love all his creations. It was a stretch, but technically, Eddy still applied. Also, Brett had never found any other to be his equal before, no one to joke around with or really get to know. He was pretty sure all of the older angels and archangels hated him, and he had been told for four hundred years that the only other being that lived as long as he did was nothing more than scum.

So yeah, maybe he was a tad bit affection starved. Was that a problem? Most likely. Did he know how to fix it in a controlled, non-destructive manner? Absolutely not. Was Eddy the first being in several hundred years to show him any basic affection? Sadly. Was that what caused him to latch onto Eddy so quickly? It's possible. Did he luck out by kidnapping Eddy, seeing as any other demon would have jumped at the opportunity to take down an angel and definitely would have escaped by this point in the narrative? Without a doubt.

Whatever. None of that was really an issue right now, because the two of them were in the middle of a very intense, very mature game of Never Have I Ever.

"Never have I ever..." Eddy tapped his fingers against the wood of the chair as he thought. "...been promoted."

Brett sputtered out something that more or less resembled English. "What kind of question is that? What are the parameters here?"

"Any kind of promotion." Eddy looked him dead in the eye, almost challenging Brett to call his bluff. "Excluding anything during your mortal life, obviously. We're talking afterlife only here, folks."

"Do... do you guys not have promotions in hell?" Brett asked him hopefully as he put one of his five fingers down.

"Oh no, they definitely happen. I think." Eddy shrugged. "But I've been classified as a 'foot demon' since they day I fell down that rabbit hole, and I still don't think I'm any closer to head demon than you are. So what was it, Bretty? What did they promote you from?"

Brett flushed a deep red, embarrassed. "Everyone in Heaven starts out as a level one. From there, you have to be at least a level three to work in the field, a level five to command your own platoon, and a level seven to challenge for any other kind of higher up position. The level ones are basically known as the 'clean up crew' for lack of a better term, doing handyman jobs around heaven, cleaning up after the archangels make a mess. Luckily for me, I only spent about four hundred years before they decided they were short staffed and needed me to work on Earth. And thus, I was promoted to level three."

Eddy's eyes widened at that. "How old are you?"

"Manners, Eddy," Brett chided him, smirking. "Don't you know how rude it is to ask a lady her age?"

Eddy just rolled his eyes, grinning back. "Whatever, I'll figure it out eventually. You'll tell me if I wait long enough."

Brett nodded. "Sure, sure. Never have I ever..." his eyes lit up, "...kissed another guy."

Eddy stuck his tongue out at him as he put a finger down. "Never have I ever been afraid of my boss," he fired back.

Brett made a face at that one. "Never have I ever had sex with another guy."

"Now that's just unfair, you can't keep using that unoriginal crap against me!" Eddy protested. "Besides, I don't have to put a finger down for that one."

Brett looked at him in surprise.

"Aww, I'm flattered. But hey, just because I'm sexually ambiguous doesn't mean I'm sexually active," he pointed out. "Besides, I'm a musician. That just doesn't add up." He just couldn't keep a straight face during that last part, especially not with the little snort that Brett made as he tried to contain his laughter, sides shaking with the effort. "Never have I ever enjoyed nature."

Brett's finger dropped. "Never have I ever owned a pet."

"You're really not the best at this game, are you? Never have I ever worn white robes and passionately strummed a lute." Eddy downright cackled when Brett put down a finger for that one, leaving him with just his pinky finger daintily extended.

"I would argue that I don't do anything passionately, but okay. Never have I ever butchered anyone just for fun."

"Now you're thinking," Eddy replied, grinning and dropping a finger. He gave Brett another once over, his eyes lingering on the angel's cheeks, rosy from laughter, and then his smile, on full display just for him. Eddy could feel his heart flutter as he gazed down at the man in front of him. I know exactly what to say for the last one.

Eddy bit his lip as a horrible thought came to mind. What if he hates me for it? He looked his angel up and down once again. I don't think I could live with that. He considered it further. I'm not sure if he would continue to let me live if I said that, actually.

Brett just grinned a little wider, tugging a little harder at Eddy's heartstrings. "Well? Cat got your tongue?" He asked playfully, in that slightly too endearing tone that Eddy loved to hear more than anything.

"Y-yeah, I think I've got something." Eddy took a deep breath, a slight rose colored tint brushing across his cheeks as he continued to stare at Brett, who, to his credit, looked quite excited about what Eddy might say, despite knowing that it would probably end the game for him. "Never have I ever..."

Last chance to back out. Am I really about to say this?


"...kidnapped anyone and stuck them in my basement for days because I automatically assumed that they would turn me in and cause my death sentence," Eddy finished in one breath, giving Brett a shit eating grin.

"Oh my God-" Brett appeared startled for only a moment, before rolling his eyes so far back into his head that Eddy was worried he wouldn't be able to find them again. "Fine, good game, you win."

"Aww yes! Does this mean I get to go outside now?" Eddy asked hopefully, giving Brett his biggest, most sincere grin.

Brett just sighed, his eyes lingering on Eddy's lips for a moment longer than reasonable. "Go fish." 


A/N: Hiya everyone!  It's the author here, finishing this chapter up a bit late as I complain to anyone who will listen about straining my neck from playing violin earlier. Ling Ling would be so dissapointed in me... ;w;  

I hope you enjoyed this slightly longer chapter, I for sure know that I enjoyed writing it. While I'm down here I wanted to take a moment to seriously thank you all for being so lovely, because ahhhhh I literally can't handle it you are all so sweet! I loved reading every single comment too, they made my entire week. :D

The last thing that I NEED to mention would be the new cover! My darling friend Sam (pulpphiction on every platform she's ever set foot on) drew it up for me on her own time, just because she's freaking amazing. So I hope you love that as much as I do, cause I think it looks freaking A M A Z I N G !  

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