Act 1

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Act 1 - The Queen and the Mage

(Y/N)'s POV

Looking out of the window of my carriage with a bored expression can be seen in my face, I see the town's people of Arendelle doing their daily agenda or what not... I sighed at the sight of it.

Why did they give me this assignment... Right... The Holy Church won't give me odd jobs for a while in exchange for doing this request...

So three months after the eternal winter fiasco in the far north, the news of the queen of arendelle's power spread across the continent. Making the other kingdoms either harbor fear or paranoia. And the center of this confusion, people will seek help from the church. So they came up with a solution of hiring my expertise considering the peace treaty between magical and non-magical communities over the last century along ending the witch prosecutions. It is a duty of a scholar magus to be a peacekeeper of both parties. Even they can be overbearing... My thoughts were interrupted by my black-haired familiar's over-excited behavior of seeing the new place and almost putting his head out the window.

Venrich behave yourself... And turn back to human form. You're going to attract unwanted attention. I said sternly and giving him a warning glare.

Sorry mistress... How can you not be excited! A new place, new adventures and new people to meet. Venrich said transforming back from his church grim form to human and returning back to his seat across mine.

Yes... but my preference is to have less interaction with strangers and live my life in peace without the interference of the affairs of man if possible... I sigh at my statement to his question.

It's impossible considering your line of work... and trust issues to humans... Venrich said

Have you forgotten I'm human... I said

A human... But a special kind of human being. A one of a kind in the world of both magical/non-magical. A Sleig-Ouch! Interrupting him before he finishes saying by pinching my arm and letting him feel most of the pain via our familiar link.

Was that even necessary?!... I know your precaution on your being. Venrich said while nursing his paid arm.

You know well that saying what I am can get us in more trouble we ask for. What if a powerful fae heard you and attacked us. I said reprimanding.

Sorry... I was just joking. Venrich said trying to lighten the mood then the carriage stopped. Indicating that we've reached our stop.

The Church Abbey Miss... The Coachman said.

Thank you... I said and got off the carriage then paid him the ride fee.

We better see the archbishop first to know what we are dealing with before heading to the castle... Right! Venrich said enthusiastically with me trailing behind.

Once we were inside, I saw some sacristans cleaning the altar. We asked for where is the archbishop then they lead us to his office. Inside the room, we saw him concentrated on his paperwork to even notice us entering. I clear my throat make a small noise to get his attention.

Oh... Goodness, my apologies... You must be the scholar mage sent by the church. I'm Archbishop Marcus... He said while offering a handshake to which venrich quickly returned the gesture. Good thing he knows my sensitivity to touch or I've would end up reading his thoughts without permission. Then he gestures us to take the seats.

Yes... I'm (Y/N) Ainsel and this is my assistant Venrich. We are here about the magical incident that transpired three months ago. Saying that the newly appointed monarch was the cause... I would like to conduct an interview about it. Even thou we received some information beforehand but regardless it's much more firm to listen to first hand. I said presenting my badge then giving him our copy of the file sent to us. Putting out my leather notebook and pen ready from my coat to listen and write down some notes...

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