"Zwei!" Ruby sprang into action and ran after him. "Zwei, get back here this instant!"

I sat there motionless trying to process what just had happened, before I ran after the both of them. Zwei rushed down the building we were taking shelter in, after chasing them 2 blocks down, I finally caught up to them.

"Zwei this is a wasteland!" she scolded the urinating dog. "You literally could have done that anywhere!"

"Keep it down you two!" I scolded them as well, "We don't know when Grimm could show up- get down!" I dragged both of them behind some ruins. Two White Fang members were patrolling the area.

"Looks like your intel was right," I whispered to Ruby.

We quietly followed the White Fang, watching their every move. We eventually reached a ruined building with a pair of metal doors. We hid behind a corner, with Ruby holding Zwei out to watch them.

"What are you doing?" I asked a bit confused.

"Did they go in yet?" Ruby asked Zwei. "One bark means yes."

You could hear the sound of metal scraping the concrete ground, followed by Zwei barking. We both came out of hiding, but still kept our distance from the steel doors.

"Oh! This is it!" Ruby excitedly reached for her scroll. "Aw man!"

"What did you expect? This place has been abandoned for years." I facepalmed. "Of course there wouldn't be any reception out here."

"Come on, we gotta get the others." she responded.

The three of us ran down the street, making our way past the debis that surrounded the place.

"Hold up, something doesn't feel right..." I began running a bit slower.

"What's wrong, Tria?" Ruby ran back to me. "Camp is just a few more blocks awa-"

The road we stood on suddenly caved in, and we found ourselves latching onto our dear lives.

"Ruby!" I look over to hear. "Are you alright!?"

"Yeah!" she struggled keeping herself on the ledge.

She threw Zwei to safety before trying to drag herself up. I tried doing the same thing, but felt that the ledge we were latched on began moving.

"Ruby hang on!" I moved towards her, as the ledge broke off.

Ruby's POV

We fell a good distance, before landing on top of a building that was up against the cave's wall. I got up and walked towards Wintria.

"Tria," I gently shook her. "Come on, wake up!"

Wintria's eyes slowly opened, as she sat up dazed.

"What happened..." she held her head. "Are we... dead?"

"We would have been if we didn't land on this building." I breathe out a sigh of relief.

I helped her up, but she struggled to stand. Nearby doors then burst open as White Fang Guards came out of them. I reach back for Crescent Rose, only to realize that it wasn't strapped onto me anymore.

"You're a long way from home, little girl." One of the guards approached me and grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Hands off!" I yelled at him.

I jerked my arm off of him and began punching him. Which did little to no effect. Wintria then sprang up and punched the other guard in the face as well, causing the other guard to slide back.

"You should pay attention to your surroundings, kid." I look back at the guard I was fighting as I got punched in the face.

I was dazed as everything around me began spinning. I saw Wintria trying to crawl her way towards me, but the other guard knocked her out using the butt-stock of his weapon. The last thing I saw was a black boot, before everything went dark.

Your POV

I was abruptly awoken by Zwei barking like crazy, I saw three out of four members of Team RWBY clearly shaken up about something. I also realized that Wintria wasn't with my team anymore.

"Grab your weapons!" Dr. Oobleck said in a serious manner. "Your leader, and your teammate may be in trouble."

Everyone geared up as we followed Zwei, who led us to a huge hole in the middle of the road.

"Ruby's Scythe!" she said really worried.

"Do you think she fell?" Weiss added.

"Fell?" Dr. Oobleck looked up.

"Why is he looking up... there's clearly a massive hole in the middle of the street..." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Down there." Motioned Weiss.

The professor then gazes down into the black abyss, before suddenly screaming out in realization.

"What is it?" Blake asked.

"How could I be so stupid!" Dr. Oobleck said irritated at himself.

"What's going on here, sir?" Perseus asked.

"Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitable destroyed by creature of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grim attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter-"

"What's he rambling about?" Etsuki asked clearly confused.

"City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!" the professor finished.

"Doc," Yang also asked confused. "What are you saying?"

"The underground crime network we were looking for, is literally an underground crime network." I spoke up in realization as well.

"Precisely!" Dr. Oobleck approved my statement.

"They've been working in caves?" Blake asked.

"No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start!" Dr. Oobleck explained.

"So as a last attempt of survival, they took up shelter underneath the city?" I asked.

"You're right once again Mr. (L/N)." he said adjusting his glasses.

"An underground village?" Yang asked.

"In a matter of speaking, yes." He nodded. "A safe have. Until... an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern, filled subterranean Grimm. After that, the kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb."

"If Ruby and Wintria are down there..." Etsuki said with concern in her voice.

"Yes..." Dr. Oobleck's Coffee Thermos suddenly transforms into a spear with flames coming out of the tip. "We must find them..."

"Hold up..." I said in disbelief. "YOU WERE JUST DRINKING OUT OF THAT!"



A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, 'till the next one!

Never Again - Ruby Rose x Male! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora