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{Ghost Speak}

Last Time...

His face showed up in a smaller rectangle in the corner of the screen, and Danny actually got scared that his sister wouldn't recognize him.

Her eyes teared up and she put her hand over her mouth, and Danny had to resist the erge to roll his eyes, because she was such a drama queen sometimes, but this was... well it was a lot to take in.

WARNING! There is mentions of suicidal thoughts and behavior in this chapter. Please do not read if you are triggered by these things.

His eye was, well, it was greyed out, for starters. The scar that ran from one ear to the other, the scar that went from atop his eye to just below his cheekbone, the scar that went into the side of his lips, the still obvious scar that went all the way around his neck, the scar that went jagged above his collar bone and straight across his heart, the scar the wrote out the word 'freak', the scar that went all the way down his right arm, the thousands upon thousands of other scars that covered his face, chest, arms, and other places that Jazz couldn't see through the small screen.

His facial structure hadn't changed as much as the rest of his body did, just lost whatever baby fat he had before. His cheekbones looked more prominent then before, though...

"Oh... Danny I'm..."

He tried to force a small smile, without opening his mouth and scaring his sister with his newly developed fangs and such; she was already in tears from just looking at his face, imagine when she found out he had fangs.

"It's not your fault, Jazz. You didn't even know what was happening until, like, yesterday I think?"

"I know, but I'm your older sister, Danny, I'm supposed to be there for you and make sure you're alright. And here I am, sitting in a beautiful hotel room in Greece, 6,640 miles away! You were being tortured by our parents, Danny! I should have been there to save you...."

"Hey, it's not your fault you got accepted for the trip. It's also not your fault that our 'parents' are insane. You're my sister, Jazz, not a God; you can't just go anywhere anytime, and no matter how hard you try, you can't know everything."

She sighed, long and hard.

"Back to the other reason you called me, Danny... as long as you promise me that you are actually okay with this, I'm okay with you staying. You have to call me as much as you can, though, okay? Just cause I'm six thousand miles away doesn't mean you get an excuse to not talk to me."

Danny couldn't help but smile, accidentally showing off his fangs.

"Woah! What the fu-?!"

Daniel quickly stopped smiling and smacked his mouth closed, suddenly realizing why his sister was so shocked.

"O-oh, yeah uh... so, according to Vlad, all ghosts have fangs... well, the more powerful ones do, anyways..."

Danny scratched the back of his head awkwardly, unsure how Jazz would respond to this new information.

"Interesting... why do you think you didn't have fangs before?"

"Erm, not sure really... Maybe I wasn't powerful enough?"

"Doubtful, you've always been extremely powerful.. hmm.. I'll look into that, as well. Why didn't you just tell me about the fangs, anyways?"

"Erm, I didn't want to scare you..?"

She gave him a deadpan look.

"Danny, you are literally half ghost."

He just shrugged and raised his hands up in defeat. She huffed.

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