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"V-Vlad... h-hel-help...." Danny was running out of time.

"Who is this?!"

"I-Its Da-Danny... p-ple-ease..."

"Daniel?! What happened? Where are you?"

"Sc-Scho-ool... p-please... he-help... m-me..."

And with those last three words muttered out inbetween huffs of breath and hissing of pain, Danny Fenton welcomed the darkness that was sleep.


To say that Vlad was in shock was a complete understatement. He was beyond shock. He was... well he was something.

"Daniel?! Daniel can you here me?!"

No reply.

'Shit! He must have passed out. Okay, okay think Vlad, think... what school did the boy go to again? I remember him complaining about it the last time we fought... Casper High! That's it!'

"Okay, I'm coming Daniel, please be okay..."

Vlad quickly transformed into Plasmius and teleported to the forest that surrounded the school.

Turning his eyes into night vision mode, he quickly scanned the area, and... well, what he saw was not what he was hoping.

"...Daniel? Daniel!"

Vlad ran up to kneel beside the broken and unconscious boy, eyes going blurry with tears and he examined his wounds.

He was hoping that Danny had simply got into a bad fight with Skulker or something, but this?! Skulker could not have done this.

Danny was laying in a literal pool of dark red blood and dark green ectoplasm. A giant gash across his right side went deep into his flesh, so deep Vlad could almost see the boy's ribs.

His left leg was bent in every which direction, as if someone has shattered all bones that had existed.

He was covered in other cuts, some going really deep, others going really wide. If he wasn't covered in so much blood, Vlad would have counted all the scars and bruises that covered every single inch of the boy's pale white skin.

Vlad honestly couldn't tell if Danny was in his ghost form or not, as his clothes were soaked in blood, ectoplasm, sweat, tears and burn marks. His hair was no better, a giant gash in the back of his head was soaking his black/white hair in a mix of red and green, the pool of blood not helping any.

"Oh little badger... what happened to you?"

Gently picking the -surprisingly light and small- boy up in into his arms bridal style, being extremely careful as to not accidently brush against any open wounds or to hurt the boy, Vlad thought quickly and decided against teleporting back home, unsure if it would wake, hurt or startle the unconscious boy in his arms.

Quickly but smoothly, Vlad took of into the air, making sure that Danny was secure and safe before flying back in the direction of his mansion as fast as he could.

---Time Skip---

Knowing that his staff that worked for him in his mansion already knew of his secret, Vlad simply flew through the front doors and yelled for his Butler -Bradley- that ran after him to get the ghost Healers.

Said Butler nodded with wide eyes at the bleeding boy in his masters arms and went to do as told.

Vlad flew straight towards where he knew the mini hospital room to be and gently set Danny down on the soft white bed, instantly soaking the white sheets in red and green.

The healers flew through the doors in mere seconds, took one look at who was on the bed, and got straight to work.

They worked on Danny as if he was their God, completely ignoring Vlad -who was still in his Plasmius form, mind you- which for some reason, shocked him. Vlad guessed he shouldn't be too surprised, Danny Phantom was well known in the Ghost Zone, granted we was also hunted there, but that's beside the point.

The healers were cleaning the boy off from the blood when one of the healers fainted.

Vlad didn't think ghost could faint.

Until he saw what exactly the Healer was looking at.

Danny didn't have a single inch of clear skin on him.

A giant burn mark went across his entire chest, from shoulder to shoulder, and a carved brand in the center.


Vlad's eyes went wide in rage. Who would do this to Daniel?! Who could do this to him?! Hell, who would want to do this to him?!

Despite being hunted in the ghost realm, all ghosts that had seen or fought the boy always had something to admire about him. Whether it was his courage, his wit, his strength, or how he fought, there was always something that they couldn't help but admire.

Moving beyond his rage, Vlad examined the rest of the boy's scarred body.

The deep gash that went to his ribs wasn't looking any better then before, but the healers were quickly working on that first.

Ghost Healers are much, much different then normal nurses and doctors. For one, they're paranormal, with supernatural powers, as all ghosts do. Vlad wasn't quite sure how they worked, as he's never seen one of them at work while concious before.

But now he could see why they were so admired and looked for in the Ghost Zone.

They simply had to place a hand over the wound, and with closed eyes, streams of pure white energy would flow from their palms and the wound would slowly begin to heal.

That deep gash, however, seemed to require more then one of them to properly heal it, which worried Vlad a bit.

Moving on to the other cuts and bruises, Vlad's breath hitched as he saw the ring of yellow and purple around the boy's neck. Then he saw the large gash across his right eye. Then the one going across the brim of his nose. Then the one going through his lip and to his neck. Then the one going from top to bottom of the right half of his face.

The list went on and on.

Daniel had been tortured.

For who knows how long.

And he'd be damned if he wasn't going to do the same to whoever had done this to his Badger.

Daniel's right hand twitching brought Vlad back to reality, and his eyes softened when he looked at the broken boy.

"Please be okay, Daniel."

Word Count: 1054

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