Welcome TrueMoo

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I wake up in a dark room. Then a woman comes in. "Welcome," she says. I slowly get up, but I find I have four legs.... Four legs? I look down and see spots.... am I a cow? Wait was I always a cow? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?

"Who are you?" I ask the woman. "I am Crystal the queen of this planet," she says. "How did I get here?" I ask Crystal. "I do not know. Do you remember anything about yourself?" Crystal asks me. I think for a while. "No," I say. "Amnesia," Crystal mumbles.

"What?" It seems that you have amnesia," she said. "Oh," I say. "Are you hungry?" Crystal askes. "A little," I say. "Here put this on,"she says giving me a clear helmet looking thing. Crystal leads me out the door and for the first time

I get a good look at her. She has long blonde hair, clear blue eyes (AN: Like Luke Hemmings) and a tail?! Then I realize that Crystal is a mermaid. I follow Crystal through a door and  were both underwater. "Wow," was all I could say.

"This is Zorlog a planet mostly made of water,but it does have some landmasses," Crystal says. I look around and I see merpeople everywhere. Finally after walking along a weird sidewalk I see that i'm in a meadow. An underwater meadow with seaweed instead of grass and coral instead of trees.

It is beautiful. "The seaweed here is just like grass and coral is really good to," Crystal says. She starts grabbing handfuls of seaweed and put's them in this bag she brought. "In Zorlog there are air rooms. Us merpeople use them if we ever need oxygen because the surface is too far away," Crystal tells me. Then she leads me to a cave-type thing with a door.

"You will be staying here until you are fully recovered," Crystal tells me. "Thank you," I say. "No it will be us that should be thanking you," she says. "Why would you be thanking me?" I ask her. Crystal just smiles as she says "You shall see in the future,". Then Crystal leaves.

I open the door to find a small room with another door in it. I step in and the door locks behind me as the water drains from the small room. Then, after all the water is drained, I walk into my room and it's super cool. It is of course ocean themed, but amazing too.

As i'm looking around the cave I here a voice say "Amazing huh,". I turn around to see a mermaid with short brown hair, green eyes, and as many freckles as there are fish in the see. Well maybe not that many freckles, but you know what I mean.

"I'm Emerald. I'm Crystal's niece," she says. "I am a cow," I say. Emerald just laughs. "I know who you are I saw you with my Aunt earlier," she says. "Aunt Crystal has decided that I will be your roomate while your in Zorlog," Emerald tells me.

After that we play true or dare and Emerald makes a pizza with seaweed,coral, and underwater veggies. I was an amazng pizza. "How come your only choosing truth?" Emerald askes me after a while. "I feel like I should only tell the truth so maybe someone can help me find out who I am," I say.

"Well until then we should give you a name," Emerald says. I just moo in agreement. "How about TrueMoo?" she askes? "I love it," I say. "Then your new name shall be TrueMoo," Emerald says.


The Adventures Of TrueMoo: Space CowWhere stories live. Discover now