Chapter 279: The Novice Breeder (39)

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Xia Fu's expression suddenly changed. He grabbed Ming Shu and rolled to the side. A loud explosion went off behind them.

Lai Si had decided to perish together.

He wanted Wei Xi dead.

He would not let other people have the things that he couldn't get.

They were blasted at continuously.

Ming Shu flipped her body so Xia Fu was below her. The blasts soon stopped and the entire garden was destroyed from the explosions.

Pa .

Little Beastie dropped out from Ming Shu's pocket as though it were dead.

Ming Shu reached out and picked it up. "Don't play dead."

Trash-picker, I am going to die soon anyway. I am still so small. This is child abuse, you know? Child abuse.

If I didn't help you block the attack, you would be a pile of debris now.

Complete Manchu-Han banquet!

I want a complete Manchu-Han banquet!

Little Beastie hummed and shouted. It was still very energetic. There was nothing wrong with it and it even seemed a bit excited.

Ming Shu stuffed it back into her pocket and looked at the person below her. "Are you dead?"

"Even if I die, it would be because I was squashed by you." This was my chance. It would be great if I was heavily injured, but she suddenly protected me.

I am so angry I could die.

"Why didn't I squash you to death!" Ming Shu picked herself up from beside him.

The moment she stood up, her head started to spin as though she was exhausted.

Xia Fu felt her body swaying and held her up. "Don't push yourself too hard. Now you know how it feels."

"Xia Fu..." Ming Shu called and then went silent. She took out a blood bag from her pocket and opened it with her teeth.

"What?" Xia Fu realized that something was wrong and immediately held her up.

Ming Shu felt her pocket and realized that there was no extra food left.

So hungry.

Little Beastie had disappeared too. It must have stolen her food and didn't dare to appear now.

Very well.

Most of the time, Little Beastie would be able to eat anything that she could eat. Hence, it wouldn't be strange if it had stolen her blood bags.

The smell of blood became stronger. Ming Shu swallowed and looked to the side.

Her lips touched warm liquid and blood seeped in between her teeth.


Ming Shu resisted, but then she realized that she was attracted to the blood; it was even more attractive than Yuan Xi's. Her logical side was weakening.

The delicious blood flowed down her dry throat.

Her swallowing caused Xia Fu to hug her tighter, naturally.


Lai Si was dead.

Just as he said, the vampires didn't stop killing the humans after he died.

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