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"Man, I'm beat! They have me working two shifts a day!" I cried, stretching. "I can't wait to sleep.." Yawing, I walked towards the tent, only to stop as I see a landslide crushing it. I froze, unable to know if she was inside or not. I soon began to think of the unthinkable, covering my mouth as I muffled my scream. I dropped my bag about a few feet away from the sand covered tent. Help.. I need help.. Move god damnit! I thought, feeling the wind past by my hair. This just can't be happening.. I can't handle loosing her too.. Stopping where I was at, I looked around and decided to run into the garden towards my right. As I passed by, there were vegetables growing on the ground, along with a small shed near by as I went up the hill. My own legs were giving up. That's when I saw a house with a traditional opening at the back, which made me sprint into the house.

"Tohru!" I yelled out, holding onto the pavement of the house to catch my breathe. That's when I saw she was surrounded by two males, one with a kimono and black hair while the other had a school uniform and silver hair. She was peacefully asleep. She's..She's okay.. I thought, falling on the floor.

"Do you know Miss Honda?" The guy with silver hair asked me.

"Y-Yeah.." I nodded. "I-I'm her co-cousin.. I pro-provide for h-her.." I looked up as I regained my normal breathing pace. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Tohru's mother is my aunt. Thank you for taking care of her for me." I bowed.

"Well, I'm Shigure Sohma. I'm the owner of this house while Yuki here lives under my care." Shigure introduced, smiling gently. "As we told Tohru, you are welcomed to sleep here since she has a fever. I wouldn't have her family member to worry so much by kicking you out."

"She has a fever..?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes. Miss Honda has a fever due to working herself so much." Yuki answered.

I looked down and frowned. That's my fault. Damnit.. I bowed down. "Thank you for looking after her when you did.. If I came any later, then it could've gotten worse.. I'm sorry for the trouble we've caused you.."

"No no, it's quite fine! It's just ashamed that the tent you two have been using got buried under that landslide!" Shigure swayed his hand up and down. My mood dropped even more, causing me to mumble incoherent words. "(Y/n), you may sleep here with Tohru. I don't mind after all." 

"Tohru can sleep here, I'll be fine outside.." I stated, getting up only to have my exhaustion get the best of me. My hair covered my face as I looked down, fatigue hitting me like a rock.

"Miss (L/n), it's best if you stay here. I'm sure Miss Honda will appreciate it if you did." Yuki told me, trying to comfort me. "I'll get you some clothes and a spare mattress." Yuki then left me with Shigure.

"You know, both Tohru and yourself are very similar, despite being cousins." Shigure started. "Hopefully you don't mind me reading into the situation, but it seems like you dropped out of school just to help. Personally, I don't think that it was the best decision, but it seems like you've been doing a fine job in helping Tohru."

I looked at him and gently smiled. "I made a promise to my aunt, saying that I'd protect her. I have to fulfill my promise - even if it means I don't have what I want. I don't mind either way. I'm helping my cousin whom I've known for my entire life." Laying onto the floor, I couldn't help but shed a tear. "Despite the current situation, we always managed. I work full time under a good paying job that I love. Tohru works part time but still manages to put others in front of herself. Sometimes, I wish I was more like that, but unfortunately I can't.. That's completely her father's personality that rubbed onto her. Still, she should be able to come to me with anything, even if it's a freaking fever. Just as long as she's healthy and unbothered, then I'm fine.."

"Miss (L/n), I have everything ready for you." Yuki told me, causing me to wipe my tears as I got up.

"Thank you for your hospitality." I bowed again before following Yuki.

As I began to change, I looked at the mirror to see my small scars. Memories had passed by of the incident that occurred that day. Shaking my head, I finished changing into the spare clothes Yuki got things together for me and left to pick up Tohru's body, transporting her into the room they arranged for the night. I need to take better care of you, Tohru.. Let me help you so you can help me.. I thought, running my fingers through her hair. Please let her be okay..


Yawning, I opened my eyes to see Tohru wake and leaving the room. "I'm off, (Y/n). Try looking for mom before leaving to work." I nodded before rubbing my eyes. "You should rest, you know.. And let me help out."

"Tohru, don't try it. I know that you're working behind my back, so you should just do what you're doing for now and focus on school."

"I'm sorry.." Tohru looked down. Sighing, I patted her head gently before sitting up.

"It's fine. The more I think about, I'm fine with it. Just as long as you get the things you need until you move back in with your grandfather." I stated.

"But, I want you there too! Grandfather even said you can stay there after reconstruction is done!"

I shook my head. "That's not my family, Tohru.. You know that.." Looking at her face, I couldn't help but feel guilty for the way I acted just now. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed deeply, smiling gently. "I'll consider it.. Give me time, okay? Your other cousins don't like me, you know.."

"O-Of course!" Tohru hugged me tightly while hiding her face in my neck. "Thank you.. For everything.."

"Of course.. What kind of cousin would I be then..?" I mumbled, hugging her back. "You feeling better? Shigure told me you had a fever."

She nodded and pulled away. "I'm fine. A lot better than last night."

That's good to hear.. I thought, exhaling the air I was unknowingly holding in. "You got me worried there.. Now go, don't be late." Pulling away from the embrace, I looked to see that Tohru stopped walking out the room. I fell onto the bed and sighed. I was about to fall back asleep until I heard footsteps running up and close to the room. The door slammed open as I shot myself awake and looked at the door, only to see Tohru, taking me down with a bear hug. She also had small tears in her eyes. "H-Hey! Tohru, what's wrong?!" I asked, the protective side of me getting the best of me. "The hell did they do to you..? Tell me now so I know if I—"

"—We have a room to sleep in until grandfather finishes his reconstruction.." Tohru cut me off. My eyes widened as I looked at the door to see Yuki there.

"I-Is this true..?" I asked

"Yes, under two conditions." He took out his index finger. "One, you are to go back into school and finish with us." He took out his middle finger that stayed with his index finger. "Two, you do the house chores as a return for the room." I couldn't help but be shocked yet moved from the Sohma's generosity. I covered my mouth and I held onto Tohru. "Miss Honda had already agreed to these terms, but the first condition falls completely under you. Do you accept them?" Yuki added.

I nodded as I smiled softly at him, seeing Shigure appeared out of nowhere. "Yeah, I accept."

"That's wonderful! We'll organize this room for you and Tohru!"

At that moment, a guy with orange hair broke the ceiling of the room and attacked Yuki. Tohru tried to stop the fight but slipped onto the guy. I got up and tried to help her up, only to have a piece of wood land on my head, making me dizzy and land into both Yuki and Shigure, a small dust of consumed all of us, causing us to see the trio in a dog, rat, and cat form.

From that moment on, Tohru and I were apart of the Zodiac secret of the Sohma's.

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