My mouth refused to form a proper reply, my breath getting caught in my throat at how ethereal he looks as of the moment.

It is currently in the wee hours of the night, the moon shines brightly and dominated the night sky, along with the stars that scattered themselves across the sky perfectly to create such a pleasing view. The huge window that occupies a huge part of the wall remained uncovered by the red velvety curtain on the sides, letting the moonlight land on Chan's face, illuminating his face and making his soft features glow with an ethereal sort of beauty that even the god would be envious of having.

He looks... attractive..?

He chuckled,“Thank you for the compliment,”

I mentally cursed myself for thinking that in front of him, and forgetting that Chan can read anyone's thoughts like an open book.

“Look at me,” Chan said softly as if giving me a chance to refuse to his order.

My muscles refused to move, so he took matters into his own hands, putting a dominant hand on the back of my neck, making me look into his eyes.

“Can I do something?” He asked, his voice becoming soft like honey, and it's so pleasing to the ears that I could feel like a devil's whisper couldn't compare to how enticing and somewhat hypnotizing Chan's voice is, but the only difference is that Chan is far from a devil.

My head, somehow having a thought of its own, nodded, and Chan smirked, he brushed his thumb over my lips gently, as if afraid that I might break. And ever so slowly, he inched forward and dropped a soft kiss onto my lips. My heart feels like it may explode at any moment, shocked by his bold gesture. He lifted me off my seat with an arm on my waist, seating me on his lap as he broke the connection of our lips for a brief moment. I gingerly touched his cheek with shaky and hesitant hands, leaning in shyly to capture his lips in a tentative kiss.

He instantly gained control of the kiss, titling his head to the side expertly to gain more access of my lips. He opens his eyes occasionally in the kiss, staring at my eyes.

The kiss lasted for a good few minutes before we separated to catch our breaths, and I almost cursed the way the human body works, cursing as to why the body needs oxygen when as of the moment all I thought I needed was his lips on mine.

But something doesn't feel right...

Chan stood up, smiling down at me with an unknown twinkle in his eyes, looking at the dark corner of the room briefly and look back at me,“I'll let you think about that offer. I'll expect for you to be there,”

With that he left, leaving me craving for his lips on mine once more.

Something doesn't feel right...

I looked at the dark corner of the room, specifically where Chan has looked at before leaving me alone. I turned and saw Jisung, glaring at me.

“To think I expected something better from you,”

I furrowed my brows, utterly confused,“What?”

“What do you see in him, huh? In that monster? That liar? That demon? That devil?”

Offended,“Why do you care?”

“Answer me,” He demanded, striding towards me.

“Because he's far from the devil you all call him to be,” I defended.

He mockingly laughed, his anger becoming obvious in each word he spoke,“Above all people in this manor, you could've picked the others, why him?”

“You expect me to pick the people who almost killed me, who barely spoke a word to me or done nothing but be mean to me?! He's far from being the 'demon' you quote him to be. Now I'm starting to think that you're the one who can't be trusted here,” I spat, putting emphasis on ‘you're’

“You're right, he's far from being a demon,” He said quietly.

I smirked triumphantly,“See? I was right—”

He cut me off by seriously saying,“Because he's Satan himself, Y/N,”

For the first time being in this mansion, he spoke my name, but he spoke it in a way that made me question who to believe in.

“You haven't been here long enough to know what he's done, and you're better off not knowing, because once you do, you'll question who's the real Satan, the one everyone knows or Chan,”

I remained speechless, so he continued his speech,“And if you continue believing him, your naivety will be the cause of your demise,”

He turned, walking towards the door but stopping by the doorframe to look at me, smirking,“If I were you, I wouldn't go on that hill,”


You think I'll let y'all enjoy that kiss with Chan without a care? Lol nope, over my dead body i'm sorry, pls don't kill me—

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