Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

We made love under the stars…our love affair lasted two days. Two days of knowing that you were one with your soul mate. Forty eight hours of awe inspiring seconds that turn into minutes, that pour into hours where you lie to yourself and tell yourself it will last forever. Forever, my dear, is a very long time. I should know…because I’ve been missing your Uncle Luca exactly that long. –Joyce Alfero


            His lips were madness, coaxing me towards the ledge, begging me to jump with him. He teased as much as he fulfilled my every desire.

            “I love you.” I whispered against his mouth. We were back at his apartment, wrapped in blankets, having just finished chinese. It wasn’t the most romantic scene a person could witness, but as he’d said before. It was us.

            “Joyce, I’ve loved you since I was a boy.”

            “And you’re a man now?” I teased. I was older than him by five years, not that it mattered, the heart wants….well mine wanted him.

            He nipped my neck, then ground his naked body against mine sending shivers of pleasure all the way down to my toes. “I don’t know, Joyce, you tell me?”
            I reached for his length, “All man.”

            “Damn right.” He moaned his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he turned me onto my stomach and pinned my arms above my head. I felt vulnerable but with him always safe.

            “Forever.” His gruff whisper was wet against my ear as his lips moved in a sensual rhythm matching that of his hips. He drove into me over and over again, promising forever, promising things no man has the power to promise.

            And the worst part?

            I belived him.

            Just as much as I believed in us.

            We made love for hours.

            And then, something peculiar happened. Around two am, the neon sign flickered.

            Signs flicker all the time.

            It shouldn’t surprise me.

            But this flicker hit me like a warning.

            Time’s up…it said.

            I burrowed my head against his chest and ignored the warning bells ringing through my body.

            I was being paranoid.

            Four hours later.

            I awoke to a pounding on the door.

            With a curse, Luca jumped from the bed, put on a pair of slacks and grabbed his gun. “Who is it?”

            He must have recognized the people on the other side, because he swung the door wide open.

            And was shot directly in the chest.

            The scream that erupted from my lungs was silent, as if the sound had been stolen directly from my throat.

            Luca crumpled to the floor.

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