The End Of The Journey Part 1

Start from the beginning

Sydney had just turned 7 and is Starting 1st grade.

My kids are bit rowdy and wild at some points but that's what I love about them.

5 hours later

"GUESS WHOSE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chase yelled as the kids ran to tackle him.

"Daddy......Daddy......Wanna play restaurant with me" Sydney said with a big smile.

"Sure Sweetie Pie I love too" He said while they all ran to the play room.

Chase has been a really good father and he tries to be there for the kids even with his deadly sickness in the way. Chase a few years ago got Leukemia and he knows he shouldn't do most things but he doesn't want  to end his dream of being a father. On the day when I first knew we were expecting Chase quit his job and did online instead to be with me just in case I needed his assistance he told me he always dreamed of being a father and when he told me, It reminded me of what my mother said about my father. But I knew I wasn't gonna follow in her footsteps because to be honest I always dreamed of being a Mother myself and I couldn't what for our lil girl to be born. Piper and Tyler had a little girl too.

Her name was Sylvia and she was the same age as Sydney

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Her name was Sylvia and she was the same age as Sydney. Those two been friends since they were born. I was actually relieve because I thought they be really good friends...................."Mommy can we have some dinner now" Shae said while pushing me to the kitchen. "Sure Shae we can have some dinner. 

The Next Day

Beep...........Beeeeeeeeeeeeep........................Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.................................. Ugh Stupid phone.

Piper: Hey Wanz Are you doing anything today if not then do you wanna hang out and have a picnic in the park?

Wanda:Hey Sure why not When should we do it?

Piper: Today good and so is the weather so how about we have it at 12:30 sounds good?

Wanda: Sounds Good to me

Piper:Well seeya then 

Wanda:Ok Bye!



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Mmmm.....This is some really good sandwiches thanks Pipe. "No problem" She said while pouring the kids some Orange Juice. "Hey Wanda I've been thinking for awhile now that maybe the kids and Us including Tyler and Chase should go to the beach sometime what do you think?" She said. "It sounds fun but I don't know Chase has been looking a bit weird each and everyday I see him. He takes it easy but for some reason what the doctors imply for him to do everyday to get better isn't working. I don't if Chase should be out in the Sea air." I said. "Ohhhh come on Wanda maybe The fresh air is what he needs he lungs are full with all that oil pollution and smokey air like I think the sea air will do him some good. Besides it's his choice if he wants to come or not so don't worry so much." She said trying to turn my frown upside down. "Maybe I will text you if anything changes ok" I said. "Ok" She said. "Come we should pack everything up it will be dark soon" I said. "Yea ok" She said.

2 hours later

Ahhhh Home Sweet Home..........And kids look whose here for a visit I said. "UNCLE LEE!!!!" They all shouted will running to give him a bear hug. "Haha ok kids run along now.....Hey lil bro how's Ashley are you two a thing now?" I said. "Heh Hey Big sis Yup we are and she's doing fine she's now applying for college and yea my graduation is coming up so yea" He said. " Hey soo how's your life with those little munchkins" He laughed. "Heh it's been tough but in a good way" I said while laughing. "Heh lol..............and how's Chase holding up is he getting any better?" Lee said with a bit of concern. "I'm afraid to say he's not doing to well he's been getting a bit worse by the minute." I said with frown. "Wow sucks you know Greg told me the other day that it's not just  Cancer that is causing him to look so bad. Chase has a sickness the comes back in forth he had it Ever since he was 13. Greg told me that the Sickness runs in the family and many of his Family Members died from that sickness. Greg said Chase and him never actually met their father because he did passed on the day  Chase was born. Greg said Chase hates to admit that he's sick because he always wants to be there for people who weren't there for him,and help others in need. He's a great guy but stubborn at some points' Lee said. "Wowwwww and for all my life Chase never mentioned a sickness,He didn't bother to tell me anything but yet all he could say was I'm fine. Ugh the nerve" I said with tear droplets in my eyes. "He probably didn't want to worry you,Wanda were you listening to what I said before Chase doesn't like to admit that he's sick" Lee said. "I just c-can't imagine l-life without h-h-him" I said as my droplets fell from my eyes. Lee pulled me into a hug saying that it was going to be okay but we both had our doubts. Soon we heard a thump coming from the master bedroom. When we came we saw Sydney in tears and a Chase lying on the bed.

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