"You can't be hugging on me like that you know I'm married to ya Mama" I said

"Mama" she said

"Yeah we married" I kissed her again

"Dada" Mason called me

I looked at him and he gave me another toy

"You gon' give me all of your toys?" I asked

He smiled and picked up another one giving it to me again


Nicki POV

I got bored with watching TV so I went into the playroom Meek and the kids were sleeping on the carpet I sighed I don't feel like part of this family I picked up Madison I'm gonna wake her up I would wake Mason up but he loves sleeping more than anything I went downstairs with her and laid her on the couch I went to get her purity and a spoon I kissed her all over her face I gave her one of the most sloppiest kisses she started whining and she finally opened her eyes she was kinda moody at first but it later changed as she started eating

"Why y'all sleeping? Who must I talk to huh?" I asked

She looked at me and said something in the lowest voice possible I kissed her forehead and fed her

"Issa chubby babygirl" I said tickling her

She giggled and walked away I pulled her back and she giggled

"Where you going to?" I asked kissing her neck

She giggled uncontrollably I thought she was gonna have a heart attack

"You look like Humpty Dumpty" I said to her

"Dutty" she said

"Yeah you look like a corrupted politician with those chubby cheeks baby" I said

I sat her on my lap and fed her

"Ya brother is sleeping with ya daddy they both lazy"

"Masi" she said

"Yes you're right baby Mason is lazy"

After feeding her I put her down and watched her as she played she was yelling as usual and running around I wish I had no worries like my kids Meek and Mason came downstairs Mason was so happy to see when he got closer to me he lifted his hands up I took him from Meek and kissed him

"Oh my cute baby, how was your nap?" I kissed him

He laid his head on my shoulder he's about to have a mini nap in order to wake up from his nap


"You busy tonight?" Meek asked

"No" I answered

"Oh cool" he said

"Why you asking?"

"We going out for dinner with a couple of friends" he said

"What?" I turned and looked at him

"Be ready by 7" he said then kissed my forehead

He went outside

"Ya daddy is weird" I said

"Dada bye bye" Madison said with sadness

"Yes Dada bye bye" I said

Mason looked at me with the biggest smile

"Mama bye bye" he said waving

"Mason bye bye" I said waving

He grinned and went over to Madison he roughly grabbed her and hugged her tightly they kissed and then they laughed

"Y'all nasty" I said

They looked at me and laughed Meek came back inside

"Glad you're back, please ask ya kids what they were they up to" I said

"What they do?" He asked sitting next to me

"Mason kissed Madison" I said

"That's my boy, he takes after me" he said all jolly

"Really Meek?"

"What? I mean he saw how good I was kissing his sexy mama" he said

"Oh please you're a bad kisser" I said

"You don't be saying that when I French kiss that pussy" he said with a smirk

"I'm gonna go get ready" I said going to my bedroom


I was sitting next to Meek he kept on putting his hand on my thigh I don't even know what that means his friends were also here with their partners the twins were with Meek's mother Meek was eating grilled fish and fries and I was having macaroni and pasta after dinner the boys went outside to smoke and we as the girls remained

"So how long have y'all been dating?" Christopher's girlfriend asked me

"5 years" I said

"Y'all have two kids right?" This other chick asked


"You're so lucky to have him when we be planning our heists he talks about you and the rats how much he's gonna brag about his bling and how you act like his mother, he really loves you" she said

I felt my face get hot I smiled and looked at him as he took a drag of the cigar

I laughed

"We should hang out sometimes just us girls" David's girl suggested

"Yeah" we all agreed

We exchanged numbers the boys came back they played some music and we all danced with our partners

Excuse any errors

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