chapter 1

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As the boys rowed, Y/n found the energy to stand up. She looked around for..anything really. There were fruit trees and such.
Not bad.
She arrived on shore, unsure whether or not the passengers on the plane had made it. She collapsed on the sand, the heat now unbearable. She panted, and closed her eyes once more.
This girl can't take the heat, huh?
Dumb heat exhaustion.
»»----- ✼ -----««
The boys rowed until they saw sand. Some hopped out and began to drag the boat. The little ones remained, complaining and complaining.
"Where are we?"
"I'm hungry."
"I'm thirsty!"
"I want my momma!"
The boat hit the sand, and everyone hopped out. One of the younger boys immediately, right off the bat, screamed and began to cry, pointing at Y/n.
The older boys looked to where the younger one was pointing. The blonde one, the one whos hair was swooped back, grabbed a nearby stick. He nudged another boy, this time he has brown hair and a sling.
"C'mon, lets check out the body." The blonde one said. The boy with brown hair frowned a bit,"Jack, I don't think we should."
Jack pursed his lips,"I'm sure they're not dead Ralph. And if they are.." He trailed off. "We'll figure it out. C'mon."
The two boys walked over, some of the older ones following. They all circled around, and Jack poked her gently with a stick.
They all looked at eachother. "Simon, you poke her." He shoved the stick into Simon's hand, who in return just looked at him weirdly. He gently poked her on the cheek.
Still nothing.
He poked her again, and her eyes shot open. The boys backed up, one of them shrieking. Y/n shrieked too, backing away. The boys stared, and she stared back.
The same boy cried and screamed,"IT'S A ZOMBIE! A ZOMBIE!" The other younger ones started screaming.
Domino affect, ammirite?
Y/n shook her head, standing up,"I'm not a zombie! I swear! I was just..napping!" Jack laughed at her attempt. She payed no attention to him.
Ralph stood up, looking at the younger ones. "She's not a zombie! Zombies can't talk, 'member?" They all stopped, looking up at Ralph, then back down at Y/n.
She furrowed her brows,"Are girls with you?" She looked at Ralph. He shook his head,"No. Is there anyone else with you?"
Y/n shook her head. "Where'd your plane crash?" She tilted her head a bit, pointing in the direction of the bad part of the island. He frowned,"'re the only one?" Y/n nodded again. They remained quiet. Ralph looked up,"It's getting dark..Did you guys move the captain?" He looked towards the group of boys. There was a small white..tent type of thing tied to a bending branch. Underneath it lied an unconscious captain.
Simon quickly made his way over, and sitting next to the tent.
The rest went over to the group, and she remained where she was.
It all hit her at once. The chances of them being found soon is low, the chances if seeing her friends again were low.
No parents, no friends..maybe these boys can be her friends but if they get rescued, and them seeing eachother again is low.
She was alone.
Nobody would be able to help her through something like this..the trauma of crashing.
Being lost.
Her stomach churned at the very thought of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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