
182 3 0

❝look me in the eye and
tell me that we'll be alright❞

My eyes fluttered open, sunlight sneaking in from the trees. I sat up immediately, panting a bit and looking around. I was alone, aside from the constant bird chirping from..every corner it seems.
I stood up with shaky legs, looking around. I was in the middle of a..jungle? Yes, a jungle. Was I on an island?
"Don't tell me there's snakes..." I mumbled to myself, stepping over some of the flowers.
She walked around for a while, until she reached a ledge. She got on her knees, and peered over the edge. The dark side of the island, she decided to call it. There was an indent. That must be where her plane crashed.
And by the look of it, it doesn't seem like anyone survived. She stared for a while, then backed up. She stood up, wiping the dirt from her knees, and pulling up her knee high socks again.
She walked away from the crash sight, found some flowers, and returned. Grabbing a nearby rock, she set the flowers down and put the rock on the stems, should any wind try and blow them away.
She left, swearing to never return.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
She wandered around for a bit, and heard another plane fly by..more like crash. She climbed a tree to see where it crashed.

ight into the ocean. She frowned a bit.
The branch crackled, and snapped. She fell down, and down, hitting the ground with a strong force. She groaned in pain, but decided to lie there instead.
She was tired anyways.

»»————- ✼ ————-««
A group of boys flailed in the water, some trying to get to air. The pilot began to sink, and in went a boy to retrieve him.

They pulled out an inflatable raft, and tumbled in, the knocked out pilot in the center. The bigger boys rowed the boat to shore.
The younger boys freaked out, over the crashing plane, surviving it, and the fear of sharks.
An ideal vacation, really.
No matter, they rowed as fast they could, but it'll take a while before they reach the shoreline.

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