this is halloween

Start from the beginning

"I can do it. If Mia will let me",Awsten butts in.

Mia nods her head looking up at Awsten's face, and probably hair.

"Turn around. Face her",Awsten points in my direction. Mia actually obeys the command.

He pulls up the straps on her shoulder and snaps the back of the dress, a smile gracing her features as he does so.

"What is she supposed to be anyways?",Kellen asks.

"A fairy",Awsten answers quickly.

"That's so cliche",he comments again.

"She picked it out, we took her to Walmart, and while you guys were all goofing off and building paper towel forts, I took her to the costumes she was determined to get this one",I tell him.

"Wait, so if us three who were not paying attention while you did your responsible shit, how does Awsten know about it?",Elijah raises an eye brow.

"Oh, he sorta asked, so I kind of answered",I said sarcastically, moving a piece of hair out of my eyes.

Not long after we were walking the streets in a squibbled line with the rest of the trick or treating kids. The sun had already set for the most part, but the Ray's beamed an odd glow over the horizon. I was in between Awsten and Kellen,holding Mia's hand. Elijah and Sam somehow, were behind us, but very well engaged in our conversation. We had no problem. That I until some douche shouts at us because Sam and Elijah kissed, for obvious reasons. Which is that the guy was a homophobic asshole, and Elijah and Sam were happily in love and that killed the asshole.

"What?",Elijah calls back to him.

"Elijah, just ignore it. What were you guys saying about your podcast?",I say, trying my hardest to distract him.

He clearly ignored me. He starts to charge towards the man with plaid boxers and the waist of his too baggy shorts at his mid thighs. His jacket exposing his overrated Post Malone shirt, or that's what it seemed to me.

"You heard me, bitch. Get your gay fag, ass off this street, you 'bout to get",the gangster wanna be shouts, I don't hear the last part, mainly because I try my best to tune it out, just as I advised Elijah, but he didn't listen.

I hear same try to pull him away from the near fight.

"Okay Boomer!",he shouts.

The dark complexioned man walks up to us and since it is be hind me, I only hear footsteps getting further, assuming their Elijah's and Sam running off to get even.

"Sorry gotta go talk my friend outta fight. See ya later",Kellen ditches.

"So, don't you need to go stop your friend?",I ask Awsten, clearly confused as to why he didn't go with them.

"If they don't come back in a good ten minutes, I'll go see if everything is okay. But for now, I like walking up this old street. Reminds of my childhood home",he tells, for a second, it looked like Awsten opened his mouth to say something, but refused. I don't want to make matters worse, so i didn't push it.

The next few minutes were filled with pleasent conversation, somewhere along the line, Mia and Awsten grabbed hands. The smile on Awsten's face, litres by the streetlights, seemed to never fade, then Kellen, Elijah and Sam came back, his smile was still there, but faltered to fault.

"So what happened?",I ask, genuinely curious.

"Oh nothing, Sam threatened to call the cops for disturbance of peace and assault and he backed down. That bitch needs to leave my friends alone, though. Let the two be happy. That's what I'd want for any body",Kellen tells the story.

"But I swear, the next time someone does that shit, I'm knocking teeth down their tiny throat",Elijah states just to mumble the last part, "if I can ever get it out of their ass long enough."

We walk up to the next drive way only to be greeted by an elder like lady, her long dark gray curls pulled back into a low ponytail, the lead the long hair mid way down her back.

"Hello dearies",she greets, her voice having a bit of a squeak as she spoke, "what a cute little family".

"Oh, we aren't all-",I stop myself, not wanting to get into the complex group we are, "thank you. Trick or treat".

She smiled at me and gave candy Mia candy, letting each piece hit thw bottom of her pumpkin shaped basket.

I didn't lie though. We are a complex group of friends. The only person I've known for more than a month is Kellen. In such a short time, we've created such a tight bond, especially me and Awsten. Elijah and Sam were the ones I knew the least, but I didn't mind. I liked to learn more about the people that is going to make me moving back to Texas way harder than anticipated.

"Have a good night.",the lady waves as we make our way out of the drive way.
We went to a few more houses, Kellen, Sam, Elijah all went to some party they were boasting about earlier, which left me with Awsten and Mia.

"Why didn't you go to the party?",I ask him.

"Not really my scene, I've gone a few times, but the people end up being way too loud and way to crowded and it's not a place for someone who doesn't drink or do drugs."

I nod my head slowly, not really sure of what to say.

"Hey did you feel that?",Awsten asked, ripping me from my mind.

"Feel what?",I ask as I see him put his hand out.

"It was just sprinkling, maybe it's about to start to rain."

Surely enough, minutes later it did. I have Mia in my arms as if my body was protecting her from the rain. Awsten walking aside us.

"Do you need a jacket? It's getting pretty wet out here",he smiles.

"I'm fine"

"What ever",he says as he removed his jacket, exposing his long sleeve Texas shirt with three different columns of different colors, "here".

He wraps the jacket around me and partially around Mia. The part of her that my body wasn't hovered over.

"Thanks," I mutter with a gracious smile.

"No problem",he looks me in my eyes, "no need to give it back either, I have more than what I need in the jacket department".

Later that night, we walked to Awsten's apartment together. It as of we didn't want to say bye. Mia had already fell asleep in my arms, the darker it got outside, the more she slept.

"Ya know, if you don't want to go back in the rain, you're welcome to stay here. I'd hate for Mia to get sick."

"Thanks, but I don't want to intrude or anything",I answer, unsurely.

"It's no problem, I have a geust room, you and Mia could stay in there"

It was settled. We would stay there for the night. I put Mia in the bed and went back out. Awsten and I talked for a bit before deciding to go to bed. It was a relatively good Halloween.

Hi! The author here, so, if you actually read this, thank you. Whether you did or not, Happy Halloween and the next chapter correlates with the main plot, unlike this one. Be patient, school is a ***** about phones, so i write when I can. Also, sorry for any mistakes ir anything, I didn't edit or read over it to make it flawless this time. 

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