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An early morning start didn't really mean less people on campus since a lot of people liked to work before class - also, the cinnamon rolls were freshly baked in the morning. Aria had managed to bribe Jane out of bed with one of those as well as coffee. The motivation of pastry had Jane up and running with minutes to spare which was good because she seemed to be filled with questions. As they walked across campus grounds Jane quickly finished her pastry to be able to take undisturbed. 

"When are you going to give me some background information?" Jane asked curiously.

"I can't do that yet, I don't want to break any promises. It's important that you read everything for yourself, just like I did." Aria explained. 

She knew that Jane would never dare call her a liar but she also admired Laura Patterson and that admiration could sometimes be blinding. Aria couldn't help but wonder if Laura had planned on using her of some sort. Having an understudy and being someone's mentor certainly looked good and made her appear even more like a heroine, Aria knew that Jane would consider the same thought.

"I'm not going to lie to you; this has me a little spooked. You are rarely this secretive--" Jane groaned next to her as they entered the building. 

As they walked toward the campus news room they passed the lecture hall where Laura Patterson held her classes and Aria kept her eyes trained forward. Before yesterday she would have slowed down her steps and hoped to catch Laura walking in or out of the lecture hall, but today she was fearing bumping in to her. Laura wasn't as dumb as Brody Jensen or Bobby Townsend, she had experience with survivors and recognized how the majority would behave while trying to cover something up - Aria would inevitably get caught in a lie. 

"I'm a little spooked as well, I can't lie to you about that. But I want us to get there first before we speak more of it, we have to be extremely discreet." Aria mumbled and hoped her words got lost among the people and not picked up by any curious cats.

Finally reaching the door Aria stopped abruptly and turned toward Jane. After they entered this room there was no turning back and nothing they read or heard could ever be unheard or unseen - after this they were obligated to do something. 

"They don't know that you're coming with me so they might be upset, but just let me explain why I brought you with me before you say anything. They'll soon understand it's for their benefit." Without any more delays Aria opened the door.

It was safe to say that they all looked shock to have Jane enter behind a nervous Aria and the angriest of them all was Peyton. Her lungs would breathe fire if they could and her eyes beamed at her like lasers. 

"What is she doing here?Does nobody listen to me when I say 'no outsiders'?" Peyton screamed loudly and rounded the table in an instant. 

"Let me explain before you start breathing smoke," Aria put her hand up and shockingly it was enough to stop Peyton mid-step, "Jane is here because I can't do this without her and neither can you. We are going to need all the help we can get and Jane is as used to this as I am." 

"The more people that know of this the more risks we have to take! If this get's out because of your indiscretion--" 

"--stop talking," Jane commanded loudly and Peyton frowned but indeed stopped, "Aria brought me here because you are going to need all the support you can get. This journey isn't going to be easy for any of you. If you need me to swear secrecy I will, but the sooner you cut your outburst short we can start talking." 

Aria smiled and nodded in agreement to what Jane had just said. While the mumbles of Peyton and Leo could be heard Jane mouthed a 'I'm sorry' to Aria, which was far from necessary. When her eyes returned to the team in front of her Peyton looked just as angry as before but yet her head nodded; it was her pride that didn't allow her to talk.

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