01|the accuser

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Aria Willows used to think that she was too mature for high school and she had been right. Since Hudson University became a new home away from home Aria felt like she belonged here. It hadn't been difficult to get used to the new environment or to wake up in the morning for class, because they did start early, instead Aria found it easy to shoot out of bed and get prepped for the day. Her roommate wasn't as thrilled about her enthusiasm but then again it didn't matter much since it was Jane. It had taken some persuading from John Willows, Aria's father, to have a sophomore as her roommate and the since the University was sensitive to what they had been through they accepted. In the night when Brody and his friends came to visit her nightmares it felt good to have someone that understood why she woke up in a cold sweat, because they had the same trouble. 

This morning in particular Aria felt extra anxious getting to class early but it wasn't because of Laura, it was because of what a guy had said to her the other day. He had hinted at something that she wasn't sure the meaning of but she was eager to find out, but she had to see him first. Aria was quite protective of Laura Patterson and most people knew that, including Laura, but she had yet to tell her off about it. The support she had received from Laura after Brody's arrest had been instrumental to carrying on with her life here at Hudson and for that Aria was forever grateful. 

With Jane taking the same class as Aria, with Laura as their professor, but not being the easiest morning bird Aria took it upon herself to wake her up - much like every morning. 

"Jane, it's time to get up or we're going to be late!" Aria shook the sleeping body of her friend that awoke with a groan.

"No, you mean that we'll be late to be early, something that doesn't even make sense." Jane mumbled into her pillow.

"Don't pretend like you weren't curious to what that guy meant the other day! I don't trust him." Aria said and sunk down on Jane's bed who quickly scooted over.

"You don't have to trust him but let's not be bothered with what they say, I'm sure it wasn't something serious. Laura is probably used to it." 

"That doesn't mean it's right, Jane. If they are trying something we should tell Laura about it right away, she always says to nip things in the bud before it escalates." Aria said and instantly rose when she saw the clock.

Quickly she rushed over to her own side and grabbed her bag, knowing that Jane wouldn't get up to wait with her so she intended to go in on her own. Eventually she'd show up just in time for class and that was enough. Aria and Laura's bond were different to the one she had with Jane. Laura had often named Aria her protege and despite being flattering it meant something to Aria to be called that, her future in Social Work was important to her and the fact that Laura wanted to help her get there warmed her heart. 

So Aria left the dorm room and headed to class in hopes of running into the guy or Laura - which ever would come first.


"Aria; are you making it a habit of showing up early?" Laura said when Aria poked her head into the lecture hall where she was sitting.

Aria blushed when she was shown inside, "Yes I guess so but it's just that--I enjoy our talks and the advice you're giving me. If you need to work I can wait for class to start--" 

"Nonsense, I'll always make time for you. Come on in and tell me what's on your mind." Laura was sitting with her feet on the table and her chair leaning back, such a commanding pose yet approachable woman.

Aria took a seat and fanned her dark brown hair out of her face. Since coming to college she had colored it darker to gain more maturity and even if it was a childish move she certainly didn't look it. She now had curves in all the right places, a cup size larger and a lot more eager to the world. She had vowed to not allow Brody Jensen and the rest of his vigilantes to keep her from blossoming in every way, even sexually. 

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