Chapter 4: True Purpose

Start from the beginning

walked up and placed his tray down on the table and sat next to John.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late," Javik said.

"Um who are you?" Ripley asked.

"Right um girls, this is our new roommate who moved in with us a few weeks ago, this is

Javik, he's a vampire Demi human," John introduced him.

"Javik, these our are friends Blu; she's Psychic, Ripley; a Succubus and Xian Mei; Yuki-

Onna," Marcus said.

"Nice to meet you all," Javik said as he started to eat his spaghetti.

"Wait hold up here, you said he's been with you guys for over a few weeks why haven't

you told us this," Ripley said.

"We wanted to wait for a bit until Javik was ready to meet you guys," John said.

"Well that does make sense, but it's still wonderful to meet you Javik," Xian Mei said.

"A pleasure to meet you as well and please forgive me if I don't sound excited, I'm not

one to express so much of my emotions," Javik said.

"Hey we don't judge it's just nice to have a new friend, especially a vampire friend,"

Ripley said.

"We are friends?" Javik asked.

"Yeah sure why not, you seem like a really swell guy, so yeah we're friends," Ripley


Javik grinned a tiny bit trying not to show too much feeling,

"You know what this calls for a celebration luckily, I brought some cake I'll be right

back," Marcus said as he got up and headed out.

"Wait so he just left a cake in his truck it's probably melted already," Xian Mei said.

"No he brought it in an ice chest, so it's perfectly fine," Javik said.

"I was wondering why he brought that ice chest," John said.

"Well still we're getting cake, " Ripley said happily.

In the parking lot,

Marcus reaching into the back of his truck as he took the cake out of the ice chest,

"I sure hope they like strawberry cake," Marcus said as he started to walk back to the

cafeteria, but someone had come up behind him knocking the cake out of his hands as

the cake splatters all over him.

Marcus quickly tries to wipe some of the cake off his face, but then he was pushed onto

the grass, finally getting back up and wiped the cake from his eyes he tried to turn

around, but slowly he was then kicked in the stomach, groaning in pain as he laid on his

back looking up as he saw it was Derrick,

"D—Derrick b—but why?"

Derrick grabs Marcus by his shirt and lifts him up,

"Why, why it's because of you Blu doesn't want to hang out with me or be my girlfriend,

all she ever talks about and thinks about is you, you, you, well here's a little warning for

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