Jimi or Jimmy?

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    Stevie felt groggy waking up from her nap, blinking a few times to clear the haze from her head. She could hear the radio from the closed bathroom door where Robin was getting ready. Reluctantly she got out of the ultra comfortable bed and shuffled to the bathroom.

    Walking in, she was greeted with a smile, Robin's hair curled and a full face of makeup on.  "About time sleepy head, I was just starting to wonder if you were going to sleep the whole night away!"

    "Ha. Ha." Stevie laughed dryly, turning to look at herself in the mirror and cringed back a bit. Her hair was all over the place and her mascara was smudged under her eyes. She grabbed a makeup wipe, smoothing it across her face.

   Robin smirked as she watched Stevie reach for her makeup bag. "I thought you were on vacation, I thought you weren't going to bother getting pretty." She chimed out in a sing song voice.

    "Hush you." Stevie scowled at her. "I was tired, I've had a nap, I'm ready to have a good time tonight."

    "That's my girl." Robin leaned over and closer in to the mirror, applying a lip gloss. She reached for the cup she had on the counter, taking a swig and wincing. "Here," she handed the glass to Stevie. "Catch up."

Stevie took a drink, gagging on the chilled vodka. "Jesus Robin! Warn a girl first."

Robin laughed, taking the glass back from Stevie and taking another drink. "Sorry." They both laughed, Stevie starting to loosen up some more. The continued to get ready, jamming out and singing along to the radio as they did so.


      The two women made their way to the Tiki bar, grabbing a drink from the bar and then finding a table. They were right on the beach, the ocean waves crashing against the shore could be heard in the background. Lanterns and torches created a warm glow, lively music going and a stage of dancers in front of them.

    Stevie watched the hula dancers in awe, her eyes lit up with delight as she sipped her drink. Her hair was free and loose, falling down her back in it's natural curls. Her make up was light, and the strapless  light blue sun dress she wore hugged her body, the light blue material shining in the flames light.

     They laughed and giggled as they let loose, enjoying the weather and atmosphere. Stevie could feel herself on the fine line of becoming tipsy, swirling her straw around her glass, the ice clinking. "I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything?"

Robin shook her head, sipping on the drink she still had, her eyes locked on a tall, muscular, tan man at the table next to them. They were flirting with one another through body language, Stevie rolling her eyes knowing where this was going to lead.

"Don't you dare ditch me." She hissed towards Robin as she got up out of her chair.

"Who? Me?" Robin played innocent, Stevie shaking her head as she walked off to the bar. She ordered her drink, turning around and leaning her elbows back on the bar watching the dancers again. She was tapping her foot along to the beat, her head slightly swaying as she titled it back.

She'd caught the attention of a man just a few feet away from her, his head turning to get a better look at her. She felt his stare, turning her head towards him, raising an eyebrow.

    "Sorry." He chuckled, shaking his head and looking down at his beer. "You're just really cute."

     Stevie felt all the blood rush to her cheeks, getting a better look at the man. His eyes were the same color as the ocean, a deep blue. His features were strong and bold, a dark mop of curly hair on his head and a thick beard. He had on red swim trunks and an open Hawaiian shirt, exposing his bare chest. She cleared her throat, composing herself after the initial shock of his beauty.

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