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The blue sky seemed endless, no start and no beginning, fogged by clouds and the golden rays of the sun. Her eyes reflected back to her in the planes window, blinking and bringing herself back to reality.

Stevie turned her attention back to the magazine in her lap. Her best friend Robin sat beside her with a pair of headphones on. She was currently jamming out to 'Seasons in the Sun' by Terry Jacks; that she played on her portable cassette.

Stevie nudged the brunette besides her, catching her attention. Robin slipped the headphones off, raising an eyebrow at her friend.

"We're about to land."

Robin nodded, starting to collect her items and put them in her purse. She leaned over Stevie to peer out the window, grinning in excitement. "Oh I can't believe it! We're in Hawaii!"

Stevie nodded, clearly not as enthusiastic, Robin rolling her eyes. "Listen to me, I don't want to hear a single word about Dave after we step foot off this plane, you understand me? We came here for you to get a break." Robin could tell what was on
her friends mind, setting ground rules right away.

Stevie's eyes rolled, moving back to the magazine in her lap. Yet she
didn't read it, her mind lost in thought. Dave. Fantastic Dave, as everyone referred to him. Star quarter back coming out of high school, attending an Ivy League school, and her boyfriend of three years.

'Ex. Boyfriend' She reminded herself. She replayed the moment she'd walked in on him and some cheerleader, getting busy in his bed. She replayed storming out of his apartment as he fumbled behind her with a sheet wrapped around his waist. And when he chased her all the way to her car, making up pathetic excuses and lies.

She called him every name under the sun, then screening his calls. He started showing up at her and Robin's apartment, Stevie nearly going insane. She was hurting and she wanted to be far far away from Dave. Robin suggested a getaway trip and Stevie couldn't have been more eager to go.

However, now that she was on the plane, arriving in tropical paradise; she wanted nothing more than to be at home in her bed sulking. Dave was a cheater and a liar, but she'd still loved him. And it still hurt what he'd done.

Trying to push the thoughts of her love life out of her head, Stevie began going through the motions, grabbing her carry on and exiting the plane along with everyone else.

She was greeted by the warm sun, and a light breeze that carried the scent of the sea. She instantly felt relaxed, a smile appearing on her face.
Her and Robin had been given lei's, smiling warmly and thanking the locals who had presented them to the two women.

They carried their luggage in to the hotel, checking in at the front desk. Once given their keys, they were off. Eager to get to their hotel room and unwind from the long flight. Robin slid the key against the lock, hearing a beep then pushing the door open. Both women's jaws dropped as they stepped in to the suite, looking around in wonder.

    Two queen beds with white silk comforters were in the room, covered with pillows, a big tv on the dresser. They had an ocean view, the room large and luxurious.

     "Remind me to thank your dad for scoring us this room." Stevie muttered out, dropping her bag on the soft carpet beneath her. She explored more, looking around. She was highly pleased, this by far being the fanciest hotel she'd ever stayed at. Her jaw dropped when she got to the bathroom. The granite counter tops sparkled, and the jacuzzi tub looked more than inviting.

"That settles it, we're never leaving."

Robin giggled, nudging past Stevie to wash her hands. She cringed at herself in the mirror, wiping at her smudged mascara and soothing down her hair with her hands. "I'm going to fix myself up and then we should grab a drink at the bar."

"While you do that, I'm gonna take a nap." Stevie started walking out of the bathroom.

"Don't you have to get ready?"

"I'm on vacation, I'm not trying to impress anyone."

Robin turned towards Stevie, raising an eyebrow. "What if you run in to a hot hunk of love?" She pursed her lips, impersonating Elvis.

Stevie laughed, shaking her head. "Believe me, that is the furthest thing from my mind right now."

"Suit yourself." Robin shrugged, turning back towards the mirror. Stevie flopped down on the bed, finding instant relief after a long day of travel. Her eyelids became heavy, and before she knew it she'd drifted off to sleep, Dave still ransacking her thoughts.

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