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I want to get off the spinning tea cup ride.
I want to stand up
Step off
Leave the park
And never return.
I know it's sad, I'd know people would be worried
But they dont get that I'm hurting.

I want to throw my guts up every time I loop around
I want to go to sleep on a bench
I want to take a break from all the rides and eat some popcorn.
But I can't.

Every time I think the ride is over
I stand up, but get knocked down by another spinning cycle.

People tell me to just get off
People tell me to try and sleep on the ride
Some people tell me if I want to get off so much, why dont I just jump?

But the thing is
I want to wait till the ride stops spinning
I want to ground myself
And step off without feeling dizzy.

But it isnt that simple.

I'm just waiting for the food vendors and carnies to realize this.

~ it's a metaphor

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