"Hey, Kaiden. Who let you in?" I asked as he walked in and sat on my bottom bed.


"Of course. So, you got something important to say, or did you just bust in here just to bust in here?" Lexi raised an eyebrow.

"I've got something important to say, actually." He took a deep breath. "I'm gay."

Lexi's mouth widened while I gave a small smile. "I've been knew that, though."

Kaiden frowned. "Yeah, sorry for getting angry at you that day. I just... I don't know, it just shocked me that you knew. I just wasn't ready to come out, you know?"

I nodded my head. "It's alright. I'm proud of you for coming to terms with it and coming out."

He smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem."

Lexi looked between the two of us, a confused look on her face. "Care to explain, because a bitch is confused."

"We'll tell you another time." Kaiden shook her off. "I also wanted to say that I have a boyfriend."

"Oh my god!"


"Tell us about him!"

"What's his name?"

"Does he go to our school?"

"What's he like?"

Kaiden shook his head. "Guys, chill out! I can only answer one question at a time! Okay, so his name is Isaiah Greer. He's hot as fucking hell. He's about as tall as I am, maybe an inch or two taller. He's funny and really sweet. And yes, he does go to our school."

I grinned. "Damn. Both my besties getting boo'd up."

Kaiden looked at Lexi. "Wait, who's your boo?"

"His name's Asher."

"Bourne?" Lexi nodded her head. "You fucking go! Damn, he's fucking fine. You need to keep him."

"Well, I can't really keep him if I don't have him to begin with. We're not official or anything. We're just talking right now." Lexi explained.

Kaiden, Lexi, and I continued talking and catching up for a few hours before they had to go home. After they left, I went to Aiden's room.

"What'cha doing, twerp?" I asked him as I sat on the bed next to him.

"Texting someone." He blushed.

I poked his side. "Aw, little Aidy has a little crush." I sang.

He pushed my hand away. "Stop. And I've told you to stop calling me that."

I poked his side again. "Twerp." I patted his leg before getting up. "Well, I'm going to go to sleep, just wanted to check in on you before I did."

"Alright, night."


I walked out of his room and into my own. I went to my bed and laid down on my back, looking at the ceiling. I fell asleep within a couple of minutes.

Friday, November 13th

I woke up to the sound of a light tapping. It seemed to be coming from my window. I looked to my side, turning on my phone. It was 3:47 am.

I got up, groggily wiping at my eyes. I walked over to the window to see what the noise was. I almost fell backwards after I saw Billie there, dressed from head to toe in all black.

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