Day 9 hanging out with friends

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"Haru-chan, Sou-chan!" Nagisa called, waving with his whole arm at them, "We're over here!"

Sosuke tugged Haru over, and they met with their friends. Rin and Makoto were talking quietly to each other, sharing a kiss every now and then. Rei cleared his throat loudly, and they broke apart, blushing madly.

"Good morning Haru-chan," Makoto said to distract himself. And Rin nodded at Sosuke.

"Now that everyone is here," Nagisa took Rei's hand, "Let's go to that cafe!" They followed him, moving from their pairs to stand by their best friends. Haru and Rin switching places.

"So," Makoto began, "how have you and Sosuke been? I haven't seen you since winter break started." Haru flashed him a look that said who's fault is that? and got a nervous laugh in reply.

"We've been good, how are you and Rin?"

Makoto's eyes shown as he began explaining everything they'd done, "We went ice skating last week, who knew Rin is so bad at it?" He laughed, "I ended up holding his hand and skating him around the rink. It would have been fun if you joined us too, though." He got a thoughtful look, "Next time we should go together, we still have time until school. Also we discovered the cutest pastry shop, it would be so awesome if you and Sosuke would join us next time. Sorry I'm rambling again, did you do anything interesting?"

Haru shrugged, "We went surfing."

"That seems really fun, but wasn't it cold?"

Haru shook his head, "A girl tried to flirt with Sosuke, but he-" he cut himself off, blushing as he remembered Sosuke giving him a kiss to shoo the girl away. Makoto seemed to have read his mind, and laughed softly.

"I guess I'm lucky then, no one seems to get in our way."

Rin snorted loudly in the background, and as everyone knew, Makoto had a harem that followed him everywhere, and it grew by the day, he was just too oblivious to notice it.

They entered the Café, and lined up to order. Makoto ended up ordering for him, out of habit, but he still got a hard look from Sosuke, and Haru from Rin.

Haru quietly sipped his coffee (black like Nagisa's soul). He gazed at his friends around the table, everyone was happy. Rin had a foam mustache, and combined with his shark teeth he looked more than absurd. Makoto was trying to get him to wipe it off, but he was busy telling them a story of "the time in Australia when I wrestled a great white".

Sosuke pretended to yawn and slung his arm over Haru's shoulders. He pulled him close. "When we lose these idiots, we can go to my house." He murmured in Haru's ear.

"I heard that Sou-chan!" Nagisa looked between them with a mixture of concern and wanting to be there.

Sosuke laughed him off, "get your mind out if the gutter." He pretended to chide him, somehow it worked.

The shota laughed nervously, slowly inching inside Rei's jacket. "I-I-I'm sorry... don't know what I was thinking, haha, silly me." He continued to say stupid things, trying hard to disappear.

"Well," Rei began, razing his tone to be heard over the sound of Rin's 'amazing tale' that only Makoto was listening to, "taken out of context, since both Haruka-sempai and Yamazaki-sempai live alone, one might assume that they are going to have sex when implying that..." Haru stood, ignoring the continuous of his speech, and started towards the back of the café. He heard chairs groaning behind him, but didn't bother to look back.

"H-Haru!" Sosuke grabbed his wrist right before he could get to the narrow hall by the restroom.

Haru turned, eyebrows raised in question.

"I didn't mean to say that in front of everyone, I wasn't trying to embarrass you, I'm sorry." He looked guilty, eyes wide and all.

"Sosuke, I was just going to the bathroom." Haru deadpanned. The tall teen looked like he'd just been slapped.

"Oh." A shadow darkened the shade of his eyes, he pushed Haru against the wall, planting his hands on either side of his head. "Is that so."

"Um... Yes?" Haru tried one of the arms, trying to see if he could escape. Sosuke held fast.

Before he knew it he was hoisted up the wall and they were making out.

"So... Sosuke," Haru put his hands on his chest and pushed him away, trying to level his breathing, "the others will wonder where we've gone."

Sosuke's teal eyes were lusty, "doesn't matter." He pushed his lips to Haru's again.

"Haru-chan, oh gosh." Makoto's voice broke them apart again, "I'm sorry, I just--I had to go to... and..."

"Tachibana." he never once took his eyes of Haru, "just go."

"R-right." Makoto hurried passed them, "I'm sorry."

"That'll be interesting later." Haru nodded in agreement, and they got back to what they were doing.

<> <> <>

Just as they thought, Makoto refused to meet either of their gazes. He was slightly flushed in the face, and completely spaced out, staring at the ground awkwardly as Rin tried to make him say what was wrong.

"What happened?" Rin practically begged.

Mako glanced back at the pair, to find them both staring at him. He flushed again and ran into a pole. They winced at the sound.

"I should say something."

"He's going to get himself killed." Sosuke agreed.

A/N: that escalated so quickly XD. these r really short huh...

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