"We don't have much time, Aiden and Tara can only hold them off for so long. Let's go!" I yelled.

One by one everyone was out the door. Emrick stayed at the door, making sure every last person was out of the basement. He patted me on the shoulder, as I walked past him. I nodded my head, knowing what I had to do next. Emrick, with the help of Damon and Rain, led a group of creatures down the one hall. Aiden, Ali, Anna, Tate, and the rest waited for my signal at the dinning room entrance.

"Lies! I only have one daughter! This is a distraction!" Lucifer yelled.

I heard a loud slap, and Tara whimper. Aiden yelled, and I knew it was now or never. I gave my group the okay, and charging in they went. Once everyone is distracted, I sneakily crept my way along the wall, until I reached where the children were sitting. They all enveloped me into a hug.

"I knew you'd come, Grandma," Emma said.

I smiled to myself and squeezed her tighter, as a tear trickled down my cheek. A creature landed on the table in front of us, causing the children to scream. That's when I noticed two little boys approaching us. One with an evil look in his eyes, and the other one looked more frightened of us.

"Where do you think you're going old lady? Are you stealing my gifts?" The evil boy asked.

"They're not yours. These children are my family, and I'm taking them home. If your smart, and you know what's good for you, you'll come with us," I said to both of them.

"I'd rather kill you, and use your head as a basketball," He said, with a chuckle.

Emma squeezed my hand, and suddenly the boy slapped himself. Again. Again. And again... His face flushed a deep red color. If anger was a person, he would be the embodiment.

"Who did that?" He yelled, as he reached his arms out towards us.

A harsh unexpected wind blows us backwards, causing Ezekiel and Selene to bump heads. The only person who didn't fall backwards was Emma. Her eyes fixed on him, as his were on her. They both shared an expression of anger on their faces.

"You the little bitch who slapped me? Made me slap myself?" He asked Emma.

"Maybe? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked instigatingly.

"How about I show you," He said with a grin.

I watched as he he closed his eyes, and muttered words under his breath. When he opened his eyes, they are suddenly now black, and his grin looked even bigger. He is truly the son of Lucifer. There was no denying that.

His friend jumped out from behind him, and stood in front of Emma. It only seemed to anger him more. The betrayal. The pain of a loss.

"You dare choose her over me? That is a death sentence," He said, then clenched his fist.

His friend began to gasp for air, as he lifted up into the air. The little bit of life he had inside of himself, seemed to be getting sucked right out of him. With Ezekiel and Selene knocked out, I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a glowing orb flashed in the middle of us. A fairy now stood before us, her beauty radiating and silky wings flapping slowly behind her.

"Try being nicer," The fairy said, before blowing some fairy dust in his face.

Within a few moments, he was calm and as light as a feather. The fairy winked at me and smiled, before she shrunk down to her normal size and flying off again. I grab all three unconscious children, and have the children who are still awake hold hands. Guiding them towards the exit. From the looks of it, we weren't the only one's who had this idea. Aiden and Ali end up meeting us at the door. I help lead them outside the dining room, with Tara not that far behind them.

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now