Save The Boy

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(Anna's POV)

Her father rushed us back inside, carrying Ali in his arms. He laid her on the table in the kitchen, and checked for any sign of life. Just as he was about to lay his head on her chest, Ali sat up quickly and gasped for air. Once she gained her composure, she looked over at Lucifer, and nearly jumped out of her skin.

"What happened to her?" I asked curiously.

I suddenly felt a hot flash, my veins constricted, and my stomach did a flip. Unable to hold back, I ended up vomiting all over the floor. After standing straight up, I wiped the puke from my mouth. Then washed both my hands and mouth in the sink. I turned around, with all eyes on me.

"I dont feel so good," I said.

Lucifer extended his fangs, and bit his wrist. Then suddenly he was standing in front of me. It made me jump back slightly. He held his wrist up to my mouth. Hesitantly, I pulled his arm closer to were I could drink from him.

"Now, it's no antidote, but it will hold you over for a little bit," He said.

"What do you mean? Antidote?" I asked.

"She's going through the memory loss stage," Sophia said from the kitchen doorway.

"Will somebody explain what's going on?" I asked confused.

"All in due time, dearest," Sophia said with a smirk.

I looked to Morana for answers, but she looked as if her mind was else where. Suddenly, my attention was torn away by the shouting coming from the dinning room. Everyone in the kitchen filed out, to investigate the commotion. One of the little girls sitting at the table, mumbling to herself. Her eyes rolled back into her head, as her arms flailed about on the table.

"Emma!" Ali yelled, as she tried to run to her.

"Don't you even think about it, little missy," Sophia said, as she grabbed Ali by her hair.

Ali hissed at the pain, as she tried to grab Sophia's hand. For some reason, my heart hurt for her, but at the same time, I was glad that it wasn't me. My attention turned back to the child, who was still flailing about.

"What is she doing?" Lucifer asked.

"She's never done anything like that before. She needs help," Ali said, as she still struggled to free herself from Sophia's grip.

"She can see things in her mind, and draws them as she sees them," Another boy said, as he tried to hold her hand.

"Somebody give her a pen and paper," Lucifer said, as he snapped his fingers.

Two vampire ladies dug in the children's bookbags, and found a sketch book, as well as a few pencils. One pushed the boys hand out of the way, and slid a pencil between her fingers. The other vampire placed the sketch pad on the table in front of her. As soon as the pencil hit the paper, the little girls head shot straight up. It was as if she were looking up at the ceiling. Her eyes began to glow a ghostly white color.

Suddenly her hand darted around the sketch pad. She would rip a page off, as she filled up them up with drawings. Lucifer stepped closer to the girl, and the rest of us followed behind him. He picked up all the sheets of paper she'd torn off. Each one showing a different drawing.

"Well what is it?" Esmeralda asked, as she crossed her legs and sat forward.

His eyes never strayed from the paper. I could tell everyone was beginning to get antsy. He began to spread them out on the table, switching a few around, as if he were trying to build a time line. Everyone gathered around the table to see what she had drawn.

The first one showed a hand print, the second one showed a garage full of cars. Then the next one showed a street sign and a bridge. The door to the castle showed on the next one. After that it began to get dark and gruesome. A creature that almost resembled a werewolf, but was slightly different, appeared on the one after that. Next was a bleeding heart laying on a plate with a knife stabbed into it.

Then silhouettes appearing on a wall, with blood splattered across it. The last three were quite interesting. A fireplace, just like the one in this dinning room, had a fire lit with a hand reaching out of it. The next one showed six people holding their hands out as if they were pushing something away. Lastly, it showed a face, Lucifer's face, in a cloud of smoke.

"What does this mean?" Sophia asked.

"Nothing good," He said, as he held out his hand over the drawings.

Each one lit up in flames, burning the table in the process. He slammed his fist into the table, causing me to jump, as well as the children. Suddenly, the little girl who drew the pictures, went still and quiet. She didn't stay quiet long. After lifting her head up to where her eyes were looking straight up at the ceiling, she released a screeching scream.

Everyone covered their ears, except for the little boy that came walking in with Morana's brother Lucas. He looked at her with a dazed look, as if he were in a trance. The girl stopped screaming abruptly, and her body slowly started to fall over. The boy sitting next to her, caught her in his arms.

"Emma? Emma!" The boy yelled.

I suddenly began to feel light headed, and grabbed onto Ali for support. My vision blurred, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, everything was different. I was in a different place. A place I've seen before.

There were children playing in the backyard by the pool. I was sitting at a table, with an umbrella attached to it, surrounded by people with familiar faces. Everyone seemed to be laughing, and having a good time. Until a sudden scream came from one of the children, then a splash.

Alice stood up from where she sat, and her eyes were on the children. Her face instantly turned from confusion into fear. After Tate stood up, they both took off for the pool.

"Emma? Emma!" The boy yelled as he kneeled next to the pool.

Alice and Tate jumped into the deep underground pool.

Tate reached the girl first, and pushed her to the surface. Alice pulled her out of the water, and laid her in the grass. She looked pale, almost a light blue color. I watched as Alice listened to the girls chest, hoping for a heart beat or breathing. The two boys sat on each side of her, taking her hands in their own. Suddenly the girl sat up, and puked all the water out of her body.

I was pulled back to reality, when I heard a gasp come from the girl. She sat up in the boys arms, and hugged him. Tears trickling down the girl's red face. Something inside of me wanted to comfort this strange child, but I knew I couldn't.

"Emma? Are you okay?" Ali asked, as she tried to pull out of Sophia's grip.

The little girl stayed silent, as the group of children gathered around her. It was almost as if they protected each other. Kind of like Alice and I used to. I began to miss my best friend.

Suddenly, Lucifer pulled out his cellphone to call someone. I tried to listen to his conversation, even as he walked away. It was hard to hear everything that was being said. The one thing I was able to make out clearly, was something that Lucifer said.

Capture them. Bring them to me. Do whatever you have to do. It's better to catch them off guard, rather than them surprise us. Do whatever you have to do. Just save the boy for me.

(Pic is of Anna)

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن