~Banana Halloween Special~

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[Not a part of the main story line]

Fear doesn't mean weakness. Fear doesn't mean downfall. It is something that should not be hated because it is the only way of proving one's bravery.

Feeling fear makes human, human.

Ash feels the warm tickles of the sun's rays crawl up to his face. The sun is rising, he thought as he groggily fumbles his arms, looking for a specific warmth. There, he finally gets hold of it. He pulls the other being in his tight embrace and cuddles even deeper to the other's chest. Ash could hear Eiji's silent laugh. He moans and intertwined his legs with Eiji's, kicking off the blanket on the process.

"Good morning." Eiji tenderly whispers to Ash's ears, nibbling Ash's lobes for a measly second as a bonus. The act injected immeasurable amount of energy to the blond's system. Excitement bubbles up inside him, making him etch a wide smile like a fool in love. He raises his head and slowly opens his eyes only to be met by ---

"Holy fucking cow Eiji! Get that damn pumpkin outta this freakin' room! NOW!" Ash jolted from the bed and screams in panic with his raspy morning voice, pointing his index finger towards the door while slowly backing away before all color is completely drained from his face. Eiji's shoulders visibly tremble as he holds in his laughter. Ace grits his teeth in sheer annoyance. He grabs Eiji and pulls off the pumpkin mask and instantly throws it away.

"Why would you--- That wasn't funny." Ash grumpily grumbles as he makes his way to the bed again. He slips under the warm covers, still watching Eiji laughing so hard. Ash's eyes go tender and amused. It isn't always that he gets to see Eiji laugh so freely like this. I'd happily get a heart attack if it meant seeing you so happy, he unconsciously thought.

Ash leans forward and reaches out for the older boy's cheeks. Pinching them playfully, he spoke. "Stop laughing."

"I'm sorry. It's just that..." Eiji sentence is broken by his unfinished laughter. Warm liquid starts to gather at the corner of his eyes. Cupping Eiji's cheeks, Ash wipes the tears away with his thumbs. Eiji ceases from laughing and focuses his attention on Ash. The two lock their gazes and not too long, Eiji smiled so widely that his eyes are now burried.

"Good morning." Ash hums tenderly as he places a warm morning kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Mm." Eiji replies in a whisper and wraps his arm around Ash's torso. Ash, tempted by Eiji's hug, laid the both of them back to bed.

"Wait wait. We're supposed to be getting up."

"Who cares."

"Who cares? Your gang cares. You arranged a meeting with them this morning, remember?"

Ash's eyes blinked twice. He stared at Eiji, clueless and on the process of thinking. "Did I?" He drops.

Eiji smacked his forehead mentally. "Yes, you did. So get..." Grunting, Eiji struggles to wriggle his way out of Ash's tight hold. "---your lazy ass up right now."

"It's fine, really. I'm sure no one is daring enough to barge in this roo---"

"Ash Lynx! Get your ass over here right now!" The door bangs open and behind it is the raging Yut Lung.

Eiji tightly smiles at Yut Lung and drags his judging gaze back to Ash. The blond rolls his eyes and sighs, defeated.

"I forgot about this crazy creature." Ash loudly pronounces as he heads towards the exit, hands tucked in his jogging pants. Yut Lung's face turns red, indicating the boiling of his blood that also entails the explosion of his temper.

"Did you just declare your hatred for my existence?"

"I did not. But if you thought of it that way, then..." Ash trails off at the end, leaving open space for any thoughts that may serve as a continuation.

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