- yours in the other hand was godly

- still, she seemed rather happy with her work (i know she's good at art but actually carving something on a pumpkin? yeah no)

- anyways, trick or treating is a go for this little gal

- she's all up for it

- dresses up as an angel with you as the devil or vice versa (cliche costumes but she thinks it's cute)

- orrrr another option, she'd be ketchup and you'd be mustard (way cuter imo)

- would also go to a halloween fair with you

- go on spooky rides

- get spooked by actors

- it'd be cool

- would end the night with you both going on a carousel

- she'd kiss you and everything would just be aaaaa magical


- hands down would dress up as richie and eddie, shut up, i dont make the rules

- ok but seriously tho

- you both would dress up in silly costumes, lets be real here

- probably be sans and komaeda or something, jfc idk, u tell me

- anyways,

- he's not THAT crazy about halloween but its fun

- would just geek about halloween movies tbh

- just him rambling about all the movies that were out that year

- also,,,, haunted house!!!!

- he'd purposely bring you so you could jump and cling to him

- and that's exactly what happened B)

- my boy's slick like that, ya know

- would go trick or treating with you and gets a decent amount of candy before deciding that he doesn't want to deal with a hyper s/o

- also avoiding larry's pranks and tricks cause it gets annoying after awhile lol

- ends the night with you sleeping in his car while he drives you both home with him just smiling like an idiot


- he hates halloween lol

- thinks it's bullshit

- but you seem to enjoy it very much

- and he wouldn't want you hanging around sal's gang during halloween anyways lol

- so he decides to join you this year

- he's pretty new to halloween so you're pumped to show him shit

- he'd dress up as a priest (he was totally against it but you were like PLEAZE so he was like ok) and you as a devil >:3 or angel, thats cute too

- you take him trick or treating (which btw he quite enjoyed)

- you decide that maybe pumpkin patches and halloween fairs not really his thing

- so you two just crash at the cemetery next to the church

- you two sit on some tombstones and just talk

- he's all excited and happy and starts talking about how fun halloween actually is

- you'd stare at him with the biggest smile, not really listening to any of his words

- you two end the night with a candy tasting kiss


a/n: hello yes, um, author here, haha so i know i said i'd update more but like,,,,

to be honest, ive kinda lost interest in sally face (which honestly saddens me a lot) but idk if i should still continue this book. i mean, i do love this book sm and I'll still probably update like once in awhile but it wont be as frequent as when i first started out.

i never really thought anyone would ever read this book but you guys has taught me otherwise.

anyways, halloween is almost here and i am LIVING

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