Kurt sighed. It seemed Blaine was on the same track as the night before.
"People change, Blaine. And I like being around Sebastian."

Blaine ran a hand over his hair, shaking his head.
"Kurt, you don't get it. If he's being nice to you, it's because he's trying to.." Blaine trailed off, trying to hint at what he meant.

"Trying to what, exactly, Blaine?"

Blaine took a breath. "Trying to get you into bed."

Kurt rolled his eyes. Yes, he'd heard Sebastian's reputation, seen it first hand. But he'd also seen Sebastian the night before, how nervous he was. How he'd offered just to stay Kurts friend, because that was what he meant he needed.
That wasn't fake. He could see that.

Somewhere behind him, a chair scraped against the floor, making a horrible screech.
"Kurt, please listen to me. I don't want to see you with your heart broken."

Kurt opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off.

Sitting at another table, Sebastian could see the scene folding out. He could hear them. Once or twice he saw Blaine looking his way. Kurt couldn't see him, as he was sitting in front of him, with his back turned to him.

"People change, Blaine. And I like being around Sebastian." He heard Kurt say, making his heart skip a beat. Kurt liked spending time with him!

While he sat there, thinking about how Kurt and him had spent time together, the conversation at the other table sped forward, Sebastian left his table for a moment, going up to the counter to order a coffee - Though his own was still full, before sitting back at his table. The next thing he heard made his blood boil.
"Trying to get you into bed." There was no doubt who or what Blaine was talking about, and Sebastian got up, his chair screeching as it scraped against the floor.
"I.." Kurt began, but Sebastian wasn't about to let him finish, glaring at Blaine.

"Shut your mouth about what you have no idea about, Anderson." He sneered, to both Blaine's and Kurts surprise.

"You know nothing about my intentions, so just leave Kurt alone, and stop talking shit. You're jealous, even though you have someone. You broke Kurts heart first by leaving him, then proposing to him, and breaking off the engagement and running back to ohio. Which makes you a jerk, and a coward. So if I'm about to break Kurts heart, which I'm not, you can shove it, because it's none of your business, it stopped being your business when you started dating his ex-bully."
Sebastian left again, having had his say. Taking a deep breath, he took his empty coffee cup; throwing it out. The coffee he had bought was still hot, but he figured he wouldn't need it, so took it, heading for the exit. He had to get out of there.

As he was standing by his car, about to unlock it, a hand touched his arm.
"What was that?" Kurts voice asked, half distressed, half proud.

"He was talking shit about me. So I stood up for myself." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Kurt was quiet for a moment. "You wanna leave this place?" He asked, looking at sebastian.

"Hell yes." Handing Kurt the coffee, that he'd bought for him, he got in the car, followed by Kurt in the passenger seat.

"Where to?"
Sebastian asked.

Kurt, sipping his coffee, grinned as he replied. "How about your place?"
Kurt was sitting, stunned for a moment, turning around as he watched Sebastian leave. He got up, needing to talk to him, tell him off for eavesdropping on his conversation. Before he could get far, a hand grabbed his wrist firmly. "Don't leave." Blaines voice was quiet.
"Please don't leave." He repeated when Kurt made to pull away. Blaine made that impossible though.
"Let me go, Blaine." Kurt huffed.

"You can't go out there."

"Why not?" Kurt was getting tired of this.

"Because.. Kurt, you can't be with him."

"Why not?" Kurt repeated, through gritted teeth. Annoyed now.

"You just can't! It's not good for you."

Kurt tried to pull his wrist free, but Blaine being stronger than him, still, kept it in a firm grasp. "Listen to me, Kurt. I'm trying to help you."

Kurt tried another tactic, relaxing his wrist in Blaine's grasp.
"Fine." He said, resigning.

As Blaine's grasp lessened, Kurt pulled his wrist away sharply, and left the café without looking back, walking out to where Sebastian was unlocking his car.
Blaine watched Kurt leave, eyes trained on Sebastian through the glass doors.

He was not going to ruin this.

He needed Kurt to be his.

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Kurtbastian)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα