The Castle

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Cadenza went in the castle, there was a picture of a man with his family, it seemed the castle was his home, she was very tired and wanted to sleep she said: Anybody home? I really need to sleep, can you let me sleep for tonight? Hello?, no one seemed to be there, but then footsteps were heard, she was a bit frightened, then a white man was infront of her eyes, with red eyes, he seem as a human but was like...... A vampire, Cadenza did not believe in vampires, but unfortunately, she was wrong, it was one of her biggest fears, she said: Are you a vampire? If you are please don't drink my blood?, The vampire said: Drink your blood? No No No....... I don't drink blood or kill humans, but, Why are you here, tell me! Who are you?! Answer me! Cadenza said: I am Cadenza Peterson,
my house was attacked by red and evil ants, I ran in these woods to find a shelter until I find my parents! The vampire said: Oh No, if my family saw you, you will be doomed, and I can't let you out of here until you forget what happened! Cadenza said: no worries, I won't tell anyone what happend, The Vampire said: Oh ......... fine! One night only.
Then he said his name was Frank, then footsteps were heard again, it was Frank wife, Abby, she was shocked when she saw Cadenza, she was too happy, Abby said: Hello, I am Abby, the wife of Frank, what's your name? Cadenza said: My name is Cadenza, I asked Mr.Frank if I can sleep one night only at your house, he said yes, what about you?
Abby said: Oh of course, come I will take you to your bed, you seem sleepy. Suddenly Cadenza fell on the floor because she was too sleepy, Frank picked Cadenza with his magic from the floor and followed Abby, they were in the extra room in their house, they put her in bed and left.

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