Shot- 2b( Last part)

Start from the beginning

" Hello, hello.. " they heard Niharika voice as phone accidentally put on speaker.
Sanskar:( still looking at swara angrily) hello..
O.s: oh sanskar, is that u? Thank God .. u took the call.. but sanskar who was that girl? Is she ur girlfriend? How can u do this to me sanskar?how can u betray me?( She sounds sad but later ask angrily)
Sanskar: shut up!!! Don't u dare to utter a word. Understood Ms. Niharika. about that girl ,yes she is my girlfriend, u should not have any problem with that and About u, I don't want to think about it because it's over. It was u who leave me so technically u betrayed me. I m warning u never call again or u will face hell.

He cut the call.
Swara: sanskar, I m sorry . I should not have..
Sanskar: if u know u should not have done this then why have u done it swara?
Swara: I m really sorry please Sanskar. sanskar please don't get angry on me.. I should not have touched your phone. I m really very sorry.. please.. I promise, I won't repeat the same.. please.... I thought..

Sanskar: ( shout)what u thought swara...? Actually what were u trying to do?
Swara look around as everyone were watching them.. sanskar sees her and Stopped.
Swara: we are sorry..( said to everyone) and settled on chair.. ( to sanskar) sanskar please..
Sanskar take a deep breath to control his anger..and sit down.
Sanskar: look swara,.. I ..m sorry I should not have shout but please don't do that again. U already know everything and it's not easy for me.
Swara nods understanding.

Swara: I promise, I won't.
Sanskar nods and look away.

Swara: now can we eat.. already I m hungry and u wasted my time.. oh poor stomach is dying for food.. and someone is busy in his anger.
Sanskar shakes his head unbelievably and his lips formed into smile.
Sanskar: u r no less than a cartoon sometime and sometime u behave as a mature girl.
Swara: I m like that only.
Sanskar: be like this only.. I love you the way u r..
Swara: what?
Sanskar: I.. I mean I love a cartoon girl like you.
Swara: but this cartoon girl change ur mood, u have to admit that.
Sanskar: accepted.. now tell me what u want to eat.
Swara took the menu card and started giving order , actually a long list.
Sanskar: swara.. I won't eat so much.
Swara: who told u it's for you. All are for me.. u order for urself.
Sanskar widen his eyes..: okay..( gulp) I m going to order... But let me record ur order first..may be I will forget.
Swara glare at him.
Swara: u r idiot.. I will do it myself.
She go to order and sanskar follow her. Swara ordered for herself then Sanskar.
After sometime , sanskar order came and swara's two orders also came. They started eating. Then after sometime a waiter come with a bag with pack food.
Waiter: ma'am here is ur ordered food which u told to pack.
Swara:( smiled) thank you so much.
Then waiter give them bill. Sanskar paid it.. but swara paid half share. He was about to deny but she didn't listen.

Swara: now sanskar follow me with this food.( Taking one bag)
Sanskar: where are u taking this food..
Swara: I will eat in my home.. any problem?
Sanskar: what seriously?? I mean no . I do t have any problem..
Swara: then follow me.
She kept the food bags on back seat and sit on passenger seat. Sanskar look at her unbelievably.
He start driving car.
After sometime..
" Take left,take left....." Swara shout..
Sanskar: but swara, ur home is in right.
Swara: I said left means left.. understand.. just do what I said.
Sanskar look at her and she glared at him. He smiled tightly.
Sanskar: yes madam!!
Swara smile...
Sanskar took left.. then he realized they are going to orphanage.
Swara: now stop..
Sanskar: orphanage.. u could have told me.
Swara giggles: surprise..
Sanskar smiled unbelievably.
Swara: come-on help me.
Sanskar nods.
They took out food bags and go inside. As they go in children surrounded them.
Swara smile and she played with them. Then they distribute food into children.
" It's so yummy swara di.. "
" Thank you di, thanks sanskar bhaiyya"..
Swara smiled looking at them so happy. Sanskar look at her who was so happy looking at those small Children. She always find her happiness in other's. He was also feeling very good . He was feeling so light after coming here. She knows very well how to change his mood. Then some children come and tell sanskar to play with them. Sanskar play with them happily.
Swara look at him and smile, watching him running behind a boy then pick him up in his arms.

Beparwah: Unaware Of The Feeling Called Love ( Swasan Two Shots)✔️Where stories live. Discover now