The sisters are back.

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The doctor nods, and waves for her to continue.

"He said I was his, and that I was dangerous, and that I wanted to protect people. And then he called me A."

"A?" the doctor questioned.

"A nickname... or the first letter of my real name, I'm not sure, but the letter felt different when he said it. Unique... special in a way."

The doctor stands up, and starts to pace up and down her room, deep in thought. He mumbled as he walked.

"Perhaps something is wrong with the time-vortex. It came out of nowhere. I can check the vital signals on the Tardis and the dimensions and see if we hit something in the vortex. Or perhaps its the room. Maybe it causes flashbacks, because of relation to sh...."

"Doctor, stop!" The sorceress yells.

He stops mid walk and stares at her.

"Let it go," her voice saddened as she said this, but she could sense the stress it was causing him, "I'll figure it out... myself."

"But-" The doctor stammers.

"No Buts!" the sorceress glares at him, "besides, what were we talking about before this happened?"

The doctor thinks for a moment, before he remembered, "You wanted to see Bee and Marla?"

A bright smile grew on the sorceress' face as she remembers the sisters she grew such a connection to over the years, "Of course! Now where did we drop them off?"

The doctor checks his watch, "23rd of March, 2018."

The sorceress laughs, almost giddily, "lets go meet some old friends...

Bee smiles at her sister as they walk through the park together, the sun shining down on them. It had been three weeks since they had been dropped off by the two timelords, and in those three weeks, the two girls had become as thick as thieves. They had always been close but travelling across time and space makes even the worst enemies become friends. There was something special about having adventures with the sorceress. 

Bee and Marla had been the sorceress first companions, and had been travelling with her ever since she had first crash landed into earth. They believed her wild stories when everyone else wouldn't and helped her fix her Tardis. She was so grateful, that the sisters were deemed her companions.

"This is nice," Marla smiled, as she sat down on a bench, shaded by a large branched tree.

"I know."

Bee sat down beside her, stretching out, feeling the warmth of the sun.

The two girls sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning, listening to the birds chirping before the sun became to hot in the afternoon glare.

As they sat in silence, they heard a faint whirring noise getting louder and louder. Bee opened her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"What the..." she mumbled, as she glared around her.

A blue faint outline appears beside them, the noise getting louder and louder.

Marla, realising what it was, laughs, "Oh, my... is it time to go already?"

Bee's look of annoyance turns into a one of happiness and she watches the blue box get clearer and clearer. After a minute the blue police box stands there. The door slowly opens, and the sorceress hops out, joy written all over her face. 

The second last time lord (Eleventh doctor) - Doctor WhoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang