Please Just Die

667 45 40

"Someone save me, please!!"

The screams of a young woman could be heard throughout the mall. She was being held hostage at gunpoint in the west section. The section Mineta was in unfortunately.


Mineta sprinted over there as fast as he could.

"Ma'am. Ma'am! Where are you?" He called out.

"Oh thank goodness a hero-" her face paled at the realization. This dweeb would be her rescuer? She could very easily get out of this mess with her quirk, but the collateral damage would be too much. She didn't want to hurt anyone, but now it seems like her only option. Unless . . .

"Don't worry ma'am! I am hear to save you. And I know how you can repay me afterwards~"

Mineta basically foamed at the mouth.

"Ohhhhooo bitch I'd rather die."

The woman proceeded to turn to her assaulter.

"Just pull the damn trigger."

"With pleasure." The villain replied

He turned around and shot Mineta straight between the eyes.

Respect Wamen (Mineta x Death) Where stories live. Discover now