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とても暖かく、まだ ♥ 𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗆

The sun arises, the small amount of ray light warmly touched to Sabito's gorgeous features which made him wake up. Scrunching his nose, he'd yawn due to his sleepy state, not getting much sleep since he stayed up late.

Luckily the girls in the estate were kind enough to help and take good care of him during his overnight.

This particular day is different. And he remembers it all over again about Yesterday, it was such a disaster. Is what he thought. Not only that he ruined it, but also showed a bad representation infront of the pillars, and made an unnecessary ruckus.

He was too caught up to his feelings, and of course Sabito could only think much worse, than scaring Giyuu like that - it was frustrating and regretful.

He sits upon the mattress, ruffling the smooth crispy locks of pastel hair. A frustrated groan escapes to his distress, as a frown placed to his lips. Until then, he stays silent, how could he face Giyuu again after that? It was horrible. What he did is horrible. He's deep in thought, so deep he couldn't even move. He only eyed his foot that tapped repeatedly on the floor.

Sabito finally had the energy to accept it, he has no choice to refuse. He stood, briefly exhaling the breath he momentarily held, whilst the warm tender sun reaches the room slowly, that made such aglow of light that filtered each corners of his once, pitched room.

A knock came from the door as it swung open, and a greet from the particular Shinobu came. She's dressed of her attire, ready and prepped. Meanwhile Sabito was.. unprepared. It wasn't that he didn't like the mission, He's concerned about Giyuu.

"My bad for intruding! I guess you only woke up. Get ready, I'll be waiting outside!" Shinobu coherently says, leaving and closing the door to give him privacy.


The girl's waved their farewells to Shinobu and Sabito once they've left the estate. The male walks beside Shinobu.. now awkward as ever - and it feels much likely odd after what happened the other day.

"I-" "You don't have the right to apologise Sabito-san, I already knew it. We all have our sudden outbursts."

"What do you mean?" Asked Sabito, curious as ever from that response. The Insect Pillar merely chuckles softly, a hum follows her. Though, plainly ignoring the certain question.

You could hear a distant voice, of a cheerful or quite energetic man - Sabito's head tilted at direction whereas the sound came from, his eye twitched from annoyance or rather.. something else.

Tomioka stood beside the Flame Pillar, his eyes focused beside the young man, "Why are you coming again?" He inquired in a stoic tone, and a grin faltered Rengoku's lips. "Because I wanted to help!" Energetic as ever.

Giyuu then gazes at him, confused, with eyes squinted at that answer. And just when Giyuu's head turned to face the path, his livid orbs quickly met Sabito's periwinkles that have already been watching him.

Sabito awkwardly stares away from the sudden meeting, and Shinobu was one that could immediately see it since she enjoyed it a lot. "Good morning! Tomioka-san! And Rengoku-san!"

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