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Penelope's POV

"Oh my God Billie that feels so good," I moaned.

"Really? I'm usually shit at this," Billie continued to dig her fingers into me.

"Yeah that feels amaz- OUCH ok that's enough take your hands off of my back immediately," She reluctantly took her hands off of me and pouted.

"But I thought I was doing good,"

"You were until you dug your knuckles into my muscles," I jumped off the bed. "So what should we do today?"

It was a Saturday afternoon. We had just woke up because Billie is lazy and she also kneed me in the back and it hurt like a bitch. So I made her get up and massage it. Anyway after yesterday's run in with Kaylee at the ice cream place, I don't feel like going out. I might end up beating her up by "accident". "We could invite Marlowe and Miah over and make a couple video,"

"Yeah that should be fun,". They've been going pretty strong since they've gotten together. Miah told me that the only problem is that Marlowe wants to fuck all the time and Miah is a virgin. She doesn't know that though. Billie know pretty much all there is to know about me. Except for one thing. I haven't been taking the medicine for my bipolar depression. I've been off of them for about 2 weeks now and I've been perfectly fine. No highs and no lows. I would hate for Billie to find out though. I hope she doesn't ask about it though. I hate lying to her. Well technically I'm not lying but it's all the same. My mom wanted her to watch out for me. I feel like I'm lying to my dead mother.

"Did you hear me Penelope they'll be here in three minutes,"

"Yeah, yeah sorry,"

"Are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot lately. Are your pills still working? Do we need to get new ones?" Of course she asks me the one question I can't answer honestly. Just my luck. I laugh , push her on the bed and climb on top of her.

"I'm fine baby. You don't have to worry about me," I pecked her lips. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want anything bad happening to you," I roll over and lay down next to her.

"Yeah I get it," I turned on my side to look at her. She sat breathing for awhile and then turned to face me also. She sighed softly and leaned in to give me a passionate kiss. I returned it of course because this is one of the softest moments I've ever experienced. An although I don't want her pity I'd never deny a kiss. 

"WE'RE HERE BI- oops sorry," I broke the kiss and looked up at Corey Marlowe and Miah. Corey came in and threw her stuff on the bed and walked back out with Miah. I sat up but was pulled right back down by Billie and our lips connected again. I pulled away again after a few moments and she attempted to pull me back down.

"Billie maybe later we invited them over remember," She groaned and got up.

"But you're not gonna wanna do it later,"

"You never know,"

-1 hour later-

"What's Miah's favorite color," We were kinda doing a friend against girlfriend video. We had already done Billie and Corey and were doing Miah now. I was next.

Corey was the first one to ring her buzzer. "What is it,"

"It's periwinkle but more gray than purple blue,"

I looked at my card of questions. "That is...... correct,"

"Hell yeah it is," She cheered.

"I'm still winning so," Billie cut in with a smug look.

"Whatever let's continue,"

-20 minutes later-

"Alright guys that's all for the video today ok um bye,". Billie stopped the camera and I checked the time. 1 pm.

"OK guys what do you want to do now?"

"I lowkey just wanna take a long ass nap. That shit was tiring,"

"Yeah I agree," Miah yawned and cuddled into her girlfriend's side. Corey Marlowe looked down at her and smiled gently. I wish Billie would be that cute with me. I mean she is but like, more. 

"Ok um well we can all just crash upstairs in my bed or something,". Billie suggested while shrugging. I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

"We're y'all not just having sex up there," My I felt my cheeks heat up.

"No we weren't having sex in there just a few light kisses," I hurriedly explained.

"Oh ok well let's go," Corey started to stand up.

"What about Miah?" She had already closed her eyes.

"I'll carry her," Corey picked her up and we all made our way to Billie's room. As soon as I ploped down on the bed I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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