Dom/Rem 2022

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                                                                                 Halloween night, 

            Trinity sulked against the parked car as Rose ran across the street with a bouquet of roses.  She didn't understand why they had to come here of all places on Halloween night.  Yeah, it sucked that a dozen of her favorite band guys died in a huge fire, but she wanted to celebrate, not sit here feeling sad about the loss.  She blew smoke into the air, shivering as she looked at the huge half burned house in front of her.  

      Rose was kneeling down next to the pile of gifts that people had left and trying to light a black candle they had brought along with the flowers.  They were going to be late for the party if Rose didn't hurry up.  She stubbed out her smoke and walked slowly across the dark street.  There were no other houses up her and the moon was the only source of light.  

       Above her the house loomed silent and dark except for a lit pumpkin that was sitting on the porch.  It made her feel uneasy.  Rose stood up, whipping tears from her eyes.  Both of them stood silently looking at the small pile of flowers and other stuff.  Pink bears and Nutella jars and even a few half-smoked Joints.  It really was depressing to see.  

" We should go.  The party is about to start. "   Trinity looked up at the dark windows.  

" I can't Believe they are gone. " Rose cried.  

" It's been a year. " Trinity muttered under her breath. 

 " And I will never forget them! " Rose, whined.       

       Trinity rolled her eyes and fixed her gaze on the pumpkin.  She stepped over the chain that ran across the weedy walkway that led up to the house.   Who put the pumpkin on the front steps?  Were they inside the house?   It creeped her out as she stood just below the grinning orange gourd.  She turned to beckon Rose and was angry to find her friend gone.  

" Rose! If you set me up, I am done with your ass. " She yelled to the empty street.  

      Behind her, Music burst to life from inside the house.  Loud thumping base made her turn back around to stare in awe at the house.  It was lit up for Halloween, shadows moving behind the windows. No blackened bords or broken door.  It looked like it had just been built. The music was loud as people laughed and talked behind the door.  Her skin prickled as she moved up the stairs, To curious not to. 

" If I find out you drugged me again, I swear! "   Trinity cursed under her breath.  

       She stood there looking at the door, screaming when it burst open, and a red headed girl spilled out in front of her.   " Bella, Come back inside. "   A husky voice said from the purple lit hallway.   The girl groaned and crawled to the side of the porch, puking into the bushes.  

     Trinity knew that voice, it belonged to one of the guys that had passed in the fire.  In fact, they had a theory that MGK had accidently set the fire, trapping everyone. Of course, the rumor was much, much darker.  Rose had to have slipped something into her drink.

" Hey. Welcome. " He towered above her in a cut off shirt and pink jeans, his blond hair spiky.  

"Oh, I uh, I can't stay.  We are on our way to a party. "   Trinity mentally kicked herself as she stared up at him. 

" You're at the party! " MGK grinned like the Cheshire cat.  " Come in. " 

" No, I uh.... It's another party.  You really shouldn't be here, Ya know.  Something bad is going to happen. "   

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