Chapter 2: The Unbreakable Curse

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Chat Noir POV:                                                                  Me and ladybug stare at each other  not knowing what you say. Ladybug who  is in my body slowly sets me down all the while not breaking the intense exchange  between us. Then I hear a laugh that breaks my trance. I look up to see Reverser looking at us with a look of satisfaction. I feel a warm hand slip into mine. I see myself but I know it's ladybug. She pulls my arm and we leap in unison on to the next building. Ladybug continues to led me from building to building until we find a alleyway . As we catch our breath I see at Ladybug she looks at me and we stay like that for several minutes. Until she finally speaks "Chat what are we going to do?" This caught me by surprise I was expecting her to have a plan she always does. "I don't know Ladybug" She looks at me and sighs. "I guess we need to go and fight Reverser as each other then the miraculous ladybugs will fix everything that's the only way." I grin and bow taking my lady's hand in mine and kiss it. " Then after you my lady." Ladybug's POV: Its so weird to see Chat in my body the way he doing his signature grin on my face just looks wrong. No I will not get myself distracted by him again this is how this mess started in the first place. Me and Chat need to finish this so I can go back to being my self again. Me and Chat start out to find Reverser. I see him on the Eiffel Tower me and Chat start running. I see a shadow pass over us and I realize with a start that the thing on the tower is not Reverser. I open my mouth to shout a waring  but it's too late. I hear a yell and see A red burr. "CHAT!" Chat was throw in the air and before I could get out of the way he was on me. We struggled to get up but fall down again as the figure nearly threw us off the building. I got up and ran at Reverser and grabbed him by the leg. But he could fly so we quickly started to go up. But Chat seized the moment and also jumped on Reverser and grabbed his notebook from him and broke it in two. "Good Job Chat! Now you need to purify the Akuma." Chat looked at me with another one of this grin which send a shiver down my spine. I stopped my self this is Chat noir we are talking about he's the one is always making those horrible puns and and..... what else was wrong with him no nothing was he was a great person and amazing partner. He just was not Adrien and I'm supposed to love Adrien. But I still love him but over the last couple days it just been feeling so hopeless with him like I will never get him to return my feelings. But Chat Noir is always been there even though I keep rejecting him he's always there. I think I might actually lo-. I was quickly took out of my day dreaming by Chat who was shaking my shoulders. No that was me looking at me.... Then everything came rushing back me a Chat Noir still are in each other's bodies. He looks at me with with such a concerned look on his face. " M'Lady are you okay you seemed it a bit off tonight" A sight redness creeps on to my cheeks the only reason I've been was distracted was because of Chat but I couldn't tell that to him that so I only nodded. " Well then M'Lady what are we going to do the Akuma will not purify. Only then did I realize one of Chats hands was closed. "WHAT!!!! How can it not purify does this mean we have to stay like this for the whole night?" He replies with a little to much excitement " Yes, I guess we have to stay together all night until we can figure this out." It's so weird to see myself talking and moving. "Chat we do not have all night we are going to have to change back soon." He replies "Well I don't know what else we are going to do. Our powers are not working." I grasp with sudden inspiration "Chat we did not use our special powers so I'll cataclysm something and you can fix it with the lucky charm and then use miraculous ladybugs to fix everything!" Chat looks at me and smiles and puts his arm around me which feels awkward because I'm taller than him now. "My lady I knew you would have a plan you always do. So I will just try to use the Lucky charm then." Chat Noir POV: I pretend I'm about to use my cataclysm but say Lucky charm instead. I was expecting Some random item to fall down but nothing came. I turn to Ladybug " umm this is claw-ful do I have to do something special for the lucky charm or does it just hate me." She replies matter factly "Well maybe there needs to be a problem." I reply with a smile " if you have noticed we are in each other's bodies." She just rolls her eyes " I'll just Cataclysm something. This pole will work. CATACLYSM!!" The pole falls to pieces she looks at me. "Lucky Charm!?" A flash of light and a Chapstick falls in to my hand. I smile "M'Lady I think this is a sign we need to kiss it's as simple as that." She looks at me and to my surprise she blushes tomato red. I was expecting her to roll her eyes and be done with the whole matter. But she actually seems flustered. "My lady?" At my words she finally finds her voice " No you silly cat that's definitely not it. I'm really not sure how that's supposed to help and-." At that moment I hear the all too familiar beep of the miraculous. We look at each other we only have mere moments until we change back into our civilian forms. "We need to get out of here now. I grab her hand with my other still having a firm hold on the Akuma. We rush together into a dark alley. " ouch! That was my foot." "Sorry!" We squeeze together the alley is very narrow meant for people to walk single file. "Chat? Can you see anything?" " No it's Pitch black" I say. She responds "wait so does this mean we are going to reveal our identities right now?" " I guess we are." She takes a deep breath "Chat is we are going to do this let's not do it a dark alley where we can hardly see. Let's go somewhere a little nicer we still have a few minutes." "Okay Ladybug lets go the Eiffel Tower it's nice up there and no one can see us." "Alright" We leave the alley and jump from building to building until we get to a little edge near the top of the tower. I hear the last beep. "Wait!" Ladybug cries " Do not look down!" Ladybug's POV: A million thoughts fly though my head as I hear the last beep from Chat's ring. But one thing was clear I could not have Chat Noir see me as Marinette. Because while it was Friday so when I got home from school I put on pajamas because I wanted to start the weekend feeling comfortable and sew some new designs. However there was a Akuma attack so I had to leave in a rush. And... well I kinda of sorta was wearing the limited edition Chat noir pjs that had puns written on them. What?! They are comfortable don't judge me. " Chat noir do not look down!" His voice sounded alarmed but his eyes were squeezed shut "Ladybug what is wrong?!" Another flash of light and I detransformed too. I look down and my jaw immediately drops. I know these clothes these shoes I run a hand through my hair. "AA-Adrien" I manage to sputter. He looks at me with his eyes still closed " you know me?" "Ummm yes-s" A smile crosses his face. "Can I open my eyes?" Ummm panic mode what I'm I going to do!! "Yes if you promise not to laugh" His tone is sincere "M'lady I would never laugh at who you truly are. I love you." My breath caught I've Heard this coming from Chat noir numerous times but this time I knew it was from Adrien. A blush crepted onto my cheeks. " Y-you can open your eyes." He slowly opens them Probably he has played this moment in his head just as many times as I've done though I had always pictured it differently. "He looks at me first before realizing he was looking at himself. Then he looked down and his face lit up. This was the moment would he like me for who I truly am?                                 That's the end of this chapter thanks for reading and all your support you guys are amazing. Please comment if you have any ideas for the next chapter. I'll  give you Credit for the idea. Thanks again you are all the best! -Stay peachy

The body Swap:  a fanfic about Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now