Beating Sound

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The sound of people hushing and buzzing echoed the whole stadium. Tiny bits of light from the audience's phone light made the place look like the night sky during its darkest hours. The twinkling lights faded as a bright beam of light shone onto a man who was sitting in front of a grand piano. As he started playing, my heart boomed like a drum playing along to the beat of his melody.

As I calmed myself, a blinding light shined on me and a sudden tune of chimes weaved along the sound of melody. I grasp my microphone and allowed my voice to play along with the soft and bittersweet taste of nostalgia.

During my freshman year like an immigrant trying to fit in with the locals of a newfound home, I tried to engage with my peers and did all sorts of stuff trying to be in with the crowd. I would go to all the parties hosted by seniors, stay active in organizations, and even participated in different extracurricular school activities. However, despite my vigorous attempt to become part of the socialites and fit in with my peers, I've always found it exhausting and meaningless.

So when I was in my sophomore year, I tried to lay back and let things flow on its own. I also started doing activities that I liked and joined organizations I actually enjoyed. During those times of figuring out which things and activities I would like to engage in, I met New.

New and I got to know each other through the music club. At first, we didn't get along well. We never had a proper conversation and only did greetings. New liked to keep it to himself and only talk to people he already know. While I on the other hand liked to socialize with other people.

The only time we actually got to chat with each other was when we were paired for the club's recital. During the early days of our practices for the recital, we would only talk when it was necessary and would go our separate ways the moment our practice ends.

At first, I tried my best to be friends with him but his insouciance made me stop trying to get to know him. His indifference made me think that he didn't like me and that made me hate him as well.

During our club's first monthly evaluation both of us performed our piece just like we practice believing that we would get praised but reality hit us. We got the lowest mark and were in danger of not being able to perform. We both blamed each other for our poor performance which then escalated into a fist fight.

But oddly enough after that, we got closer. We started conversing more and hanging out after practices. We actually got to talk about each other and I finally understood why you were so cold to me. As the days of our practice/hangout sessions increased. We became inseparable like magnets pulling each other towards one another.

Today is our final evaluation, whether we could get to perform for our club's recital or not. Whatever the verdict of this recital I hope our relationship remains intact.

"Tay, whatever the result of our performance I want you to know that I really liked hanging out and performing with you." New said while looking into my eyes. We were both sitting backstage waiting for all the performers to be finished.

"Of course, I also enjoyed your company." I told him with a smile and pat his hands to assure him.

All the performers were called to go back on stage. Our professors congratulated everyone for their hard work and encouraged us to continue perusing music even if we didn't get to perform for the recitals because there would always be a next time.

As the professor was about to say the performers for the recital, New suddenly held my hand. He held it tightly while focusing his attention on the professor talking.

I also stared at the professor talking but all I could hear was a deafening boom of drums continuously getting beaten loudly and strongly. I couldn't understand nor hear anything.

The sound didn't even stop when New let go of my hand. New was shouting something excitedly and suddenly hugged me and when he did the pounding sound became louder and clearer as if the person banging the drums was right beside me. That's when I understood where this pounding sound came from. As New hugged me tighter all I could think about was....

"I hope he doesn't hear the pounding sound of my heart."

Little did Tay know, that the man who's hugging him right now is thinking the same thoughts as he has right now.


This story was inspired by PTJ where Tay was singing while New was playing the piano. I've posted this on my Twitter but I really want to create a compilation of my oneshot taynew au's.

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