The stars

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Darkness dawned from the blue sky and the once full of greenery and trees have now been enveloped with darkness. The sounds of people hushed and the insects sang their symphony. The air was cold but along with it, there was a fresh scent of comfort. But what amazed New more was the city lights. The lights twinkled like stars beyond the sea of darkness—a constant reminder of what he used to be, what they both used to be.

New's appreciation of the view that beholds his gaze stopped as soon as two arms snaked around his waist.

"Love the sight, my star?" Tay said as he wrapped his hands on his lover while swaying them both slowly.

"I can never get tired of this. This sight, this small cabin house, this mountain, this farm, everything. Everything in here is all I ever wanted. You're all I ever wanted." New said as he turned his back from the view and faced his lover. Placing both his hands on Tay's neck

"I love here, too." Tay said as he swayed them both in a little dance along the earthly symphony of the mountain.

New slowly rested his head on Tay's shoulder and allowed his lover to move him along his rhythm. They both reminisced on their stardom, a distant past that would always seem like yesterday's event.

Tay was a famous singer who turned into an actor. While New has been in the acting industry ever since he was a small child. They both got to know each other when they acted in a series together. New was the male lead while Tay was his rival. At first, they weren't close as Tay felt intimidated by New's experience and his years in the industry but as they acted alongside each other they saw how compatible they are with one another. The series they acted in together was a success, allowing them to gain further popularity.

Despite their busy schedules, their friendship grew ever stronger. Both would make ways to add in their little escapades and friendly dates to their busy schedules.

Then one day, on one of their dinner dates, Tay unable to hold his feelings, confessed to New. He was prepared to lose their friendship all for the name of his love for the other without knowing New felt the same. From that day onward their brotherly blossomed into a beautiful love. But as their popularity soared, so did their hidden love, which became ever more difficult to hide.

*Ring ring*

New and Tay were awoken by the sound of their phones ringing. They were both living together without anyone's knowledge. As even their respective parents didn't know about their love.

New checked the time, it was 2 in the morning and his manager had been bombarding his phone with calls and messages. Tay on the other hand was busy checking his socials notifications.

Tay is usually used by the thousands of notifications he receives daily. But the difference today was his notifications were bombed by questions and hatred. While some showered him with supporting messages. He then clicked one of his fan's tweets. It was a tweet demanding him to talk about a picture. It was a picture of New and him inside New's car kissing.

"Tay, they know." New said as he showed an article made by a tabloid. With the picture of them kissing attached along the headline.

Tay and New knew that they had to tell the people about their relationship, but not like this. They hated how their beautiful love was turned into a scandal by the same media that gave them fame.

"New, I think it's time." Tay said as he held New's shaking hand. New smiled at Tay and brought his head onto the others.

"Yeah, it really is. I just... I just hate how it has to be this way. We even planned how will do this in a meaningful way." New couldn't help but feel bitter about their situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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