A Battle to Save Her

Start from the beginning

'Shfft' 'Sniff' Nightmare Nora's arms were being secured by something Lime Green. When she looked back, she saw Mikey snuggling up to her. She gave him a confused look, Nora's original eye color beginning to show. She lowered her Scythe, the tip was barely touching the ground. Zoomo looked at Saoirse, a look of seriousness staining his Crimson Red eyes. "Hold him, I'll get her Scythe." Zoomo stated calmly while handing Dionysus to Saoirse. She took her husband gingerly, giving Zoomo a quick nod. He nodded back before running towards Mikey and Nora. Nora felt something off, but Mikey didn't let go, a worried look on his features. When he opened his eyes, he look at Nora trustingly. Nora bit her lip before nodding. Once Zoomo was next to the two, he grabbed the Scythe off of Nora. Nora barely noticed this; She was too caught up in Mikey's softening gaze to care. Leo and Raph slowly stood up, wobbling in the process. Donnie and Casey helped them up while April watched Mikey in confusion. 'Why isn't he running away...?' 'Didn't she hurt him?' April thought worriedly. During her thought, she remembered how Mikey reacted to the Dead Corpse. April held her elbows, rubbing them to soothe her nerves from that horrific memory. April took a shaky deep breath, gaining Donnie's attention. When he saw Mikey and Nora, he started to feel remorseful. "Guys... Mikey isn't running away..." Donnie stated unbelievably. Leo, Raph, and Casey followed Donnie's gaze to see Mikey beginning to smile at Nora. 'Sniffle' Raph angrily looked at Nora, only to see teary eyes looking at Mikey. Raph raised an invisible brow. 'Why the shell is she crying?' Raph thought bitterly. Casey tilted his head calmly. 'Dude, if they kiss, I'm gonna be sick.' Casey thought casually. April nudged his rib, indicating that she heard his thought. Casey rubbed his side gingerly, pouting at his Red-headed friend. Leo was the only one that didn't know how to react. Here his Baby Brother was, hugging the girl that attempted to murder him, willingly. Leo didn't know if he should be happy that Mikey loves someone, mad for her hurting him, or ashamed for almost murdering his Baby Brother's girlfriend. Leo let go of Raph; As did Raph with Leo. Zoomo scoffed at the two Brothers in annoyance. 'They better not attack again; Or, so help me, I will murder them.' Zoomo thought stubbornly.

Mikey walked in front of Nora, his face away from the small group. He gently cupped Nora's face into his hands, wanting her to face him. Nora sighed before looking into his eyes. 'Here we go...' 'He's going to be so mad!' Nora thought, sadness growing in her mind. Mikey felt this sadness and brought his face closer to hers. She gave him a confused look before their lips met. Everyone's eyes grew wide. 'He's not mad...?' Nora thought dumbfounded. Nora started to melt into the kiss. 'I guess he does Love me...' Nora thought lovingly. Once Nora melted into the kiss, she wrapped her arms around Mikey's neck, tilting her head to deepen the gentle moment. No one was able to move from this. It grew so silent, that they could hear New York. 'Clap' 'Clap' Slowly, the Kraang began to clap for the two. Cheers started to be heard throughout the room. Saoirse and Zoomo were tending to Dionysus's injuries when they saw the two kiss. Dionysus smirked at the loving scene. "Now, they are happy..." Dionysus stated calmly. Saoirse giggled before kissing Dionysus; Zoomo continued to treat his Brother, having already been used to their affection. The small group was still in shock, though. Casey didn't know if he should vomit from the scene before him, or if he should laugh. 'Holy shit...' 'How does he get with a murderer like that?' Casey thought quizzically. April started to gush at the beauty of their love, Donnie started to cry from it, and Leo and Raph's mouths laid agape. 'He's found Love with a murderer...' Leo and Raph thought in unison. When Mikey and Nora parted, the two looked at each other calmly. Mikey sighed in contentment from his First Kiss; So did Nora. Nora looked down for a moment. 'So, he isn't mad? Or, is he mad, but won't show it...?' Nora thought sheepishly. Nora sighed again before looking at her Lover. Mikey tilted his head slightly. "So... You're not mad, are you?" Nora nervously asked. Mikey chuckled, much to Leo and Raph's dismay. After his chuckling fit, he looked at a confused Nora. Mikey pecked her lips calmly before replying. "No, Love; I'm not mad..." Mikey stated lovingly. The small group gasped, much to Mikey and Nora's ignorance. Nora's eyes grew wide. "How are you not mad at me! I almost killed everyone..." Nora stated remorsefully. When the group heard her remorse, they started to calm down. 'Why does she feel remorseful? Ain't she a murderer?' Raph rudely thought. April gibb slapped Raph, indicating that she heard his mind. Raph gingerly rubbed his head before slowly walking towards Mikey and Nora; Leo followed suit.

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