Chapter 9

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            “It’s okay, I’ve got her.” I whispered harshly, pushing Josh away from the car seat. We were fighting over who would carry the sleeping Abby up to our hotel room, and I refused to turn my sister over to him. I was afraid he’d run away again, and send me off on another pointless waste of my day.

“Look, I’m sorry about yesterday but at least other people can finally recognize your talent. You saw those reporters; it wasn’t just me they were looking for!” He exclaimed from behind me. I scoffed in response, as I unbuckled my little sister and hoisted her into my arms.

“You’re totally right. They were looking for me because apparently we’re getting married.” I shot him the coldest glare I could muster as he angrily closed the door of the Camaro. Ricky trailed alongside me as I trudged inside, and I ignored the stares I was receiving. As soon as Abby woke up, I was going to steal his keys and high tail it out of here.

“Alright, I admit that one was my fault. At least you won’t have to worry about people trying to pursue you.” He muttered from behind me. I watched as he stretched out his arm to push the elevator button, and we all piled in.

“I don’t think that was ever a problem.” I replied quietly, staring intently at the glowing button. This elevator couldn’t move fast enough. Abby felt like a sack of bricks, and I was seriously considering putting her on a diet.

“Are you kidding me?” Josh asked, and I glanced up at him to see if he was serious. His dark green eyes were looking at mine with confusion.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” I rolled my eyes and almost cried out with relief when the elevator opened on our floor. I hustled to our room, Ricky hot on my heels. Josh followed at a much slower pace, which only added on to my nerves. Couldn’t he see I needed to put her down?

“Could you hurry up? She’s not light.” I told him, shifting Abby’s weight from my left shoulder to my right one.

“I was going to take her. It’s just that you’re too stubborn to accept help.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well I’m asking for help now. Open the door!” I gestured with my foot to the door, and he rolled his eyes.

“Sure thing, Biscuit.” He said, sliding the card into the slot. The light turned green, and he held the door open as I hurried inside with Abby, placing her on our bed.

“She’s got ice-cream on her mouth.” I muttered, licking my thumb and wiping around Abby’s face. She looked so peaceful sleeping with her mouth open, and I could see her little baby teeth through the opening. Her dark curls were falling softly across her face, making her seem like an angel.

I took off her shoes and put them next to the bed, and pulled the covers over her little body. She was the most precious thing in the world to me.

“You’re a really good sister.” Josh said from the doorway, and I whirled around to face him.

“You scared me.” I admitted, putting a hand to my chest. He walked over to where I was standing with a couple strides, and enveloped me in a hug.

“What are you doing?” I asked, although my hands somehow found their way around his shoulders, holding myself firmly against him.

“I just thought you needed a hug. I’ll tell you a thousand times over how sorry I am about yesterday, and your truck today. But I don’t regret anything.” He said softly, and I sighed.

“Whatever.” I replied, unwinding my arms from his neck and pushing myself away. He let me go with a frown on his face, but before I could question it, there was a soft knocking on the door. Josh’s face instantly transformed into one of worry, and he looked at me with resolve in his eyes.

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