introducing our new teachers.

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Random POV:

Today was going to be a scary day, but it still won't be as scary as our hunts. Any way the reason today would be scary is because we would be teaching witches. I knew Dean would not be happy even though he did agree, he hated witches so much. Any way Cas had still not come back from his train job or whatever it was, I was worried what if he missed the meeting. Welp I guess it was time to go to the great hall.

In the great hall I was not expecting was there to be so many kids. I could feel my nerves coming back. After a long time period waiting for some first  years to be sorted into, I think, houses. Any way Dumbledore came and stood at the front of the hall. "Hello students and new comers we have some new teachers,"
Wait did he say teachers that was weird why would we need more than one. It was only DADA.

"Any way here are our new teachers, Dean Winchester his brother Sam Winchester and... Oh he isn't here." Dumbledores voice voice trailed off. I have never heard that before. The was a sudden sound off wings fluttering, "Sorry Albus I was busy!" When the sudden teacher appeared he was in a onesie and wearing glasses, he was also carrying a set of Dvds. His face started turning a deep red and sat down. The two new teachers were trying not to laugh. "Ah I see he has arrived this is one of my oldest and trusted friend,Castiel Novak, I've known him since I was in Hogwarts." Wait how was that possible he looked to young to have been in Hogwarts with Dumbledore. I heard behind me Hermionie going on about how that teacher shouldn't be able to apparate.
"Well they will be your new defence against the dark arts teachers and also they will teach you what to do if you are surrounded without your wands, now let's eat." The plates started producing food on them, I was about to dig in when I noticed that Castiel had again dissapered this was getting more and more weird by the day.

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