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Barry tossed and turned all night trying to figure out the puzzle he found at the vigil. If his dad was right and Iris came back to town seven years ago,then when did she get together with Eddie and how old was the child? He looked about no older than seven years old but if Iris did come back seven years ago, then the only reasonable explanation is that......
No way he said aloud. It can't be true. But what if it is? He should at least give her the opportunity to explain.......

Barry Allen tried to concentrate on the documents before him but he couldn't make sense of it so he stood up and walked out of his office and down the hall to the kitchenette.
He was surprised to find Iris sitting at the table with a cup of tea and he greeted her with a smile and helped himself to a cup of tea.
After sitting there for about ten minutes in complete silence, he decided to ask the question he couldn't get out of his head.
Barry: Eddie's a good guy. I'm happy for you. You look great together
Iris: We are not together Barry. Never have. Never will be.
Barry: Benny seems like a great kid.
Iris: Yeah. He's the best.
Barry: So, how old is he?
Iris: Umm, he's seven.
Barry: Seven?
Iris: It's okay to ask. You'll never know if you don't.
Barry: Is he....... mine?
Iris: Yes...... I meant to tell you. I would never hurt you like that. I found out after I left and I was scared that if you knew, you'd ask me to stay and I couldn't....... stop you from leaving the life that you want.... I didn't want you to stay because of us.... because you had to do the right thing....
Barry: You left.... Without any explanation.
Iris: I know. I'm so sorry
Barry: Why did you Iris? Why did you leave me? We were planning a life together
Iris: Can we please not talk about this?
Barry: Why?
Iris: You know why......
Barry: Iris....... She's just a friend
Iris: Does she know that? Look, I'm sorry for leaving the way I did okay. I want you to meet our son. I want to be able to tell him who you are. I want you to be a part of his life....
Barry: I want that too
Iris: Good. Let's just take it one step at a time
Barry: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Both of you.
Iris: In your defense, you didn't know about him. It's alright. Really. I'm going to do my best to make amends.
Barry: Thank you Iris.
Iris: Of course..........
Iris walked out of the kitchenette feeling more at peace than ever.
Maybe it will all work out in the end.................

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