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Benny, if you want to ride with me you better come downstairs right now, Joe yelled as he tried to get his grandson's lunch box ready.
JW: So, what are you going to do
IW: I don't know Dad. I am as confused as I was when I came home yesterday.
JW: I know this is totally not important but......
IW: But what.........
JW: How did it feel? Seeing him again I mean
IW: Dad! It was like no time had passed. All the feelings I thought I had pushed away just came rushing back. I have no idea how I'm supposed to work under the same roof with him for nine hours every day.
JW: So, you are not quiting your job then?
IW: Of course not. I have a child to raise. I need a job inorder to do that. I guess I'm stuck with him for now.
JW: Speaking of my grandson. You do know that you can't keep him a secret anymore right? Barry's going to find out soon.
IW: I know that Dad. But I'm not going to worry about it before he finds out. Besides,it's not like I had a choice. Our relationship was over before I found out I was pregnant.
JW: You left him remember? Without a word. Without giving him an opportunity to explain.
Baby girl, I love you but I'm not proud of what you did.
IW: He was lying to me Dad. I was scared that if I confronted him about it, I would believe anything he said and it wouldn't have mattered whether it was the truth or not but I would have spent the last eight years wondering if he'd told me the truth,if he's lying.
Just then Benny came down the stairs and his grandfather got his bags and hurried out the door waving his daughter goodbye.
Iris quickly walked upstairs to get ready for work. On getting to her office,she settled down to prepare for the day when she sensed someone watching her.
She raised her head and saw Barry Allen walking into her office. She tried to smile as he approached her desk.
IW: You are early. I apologise for my behavior yesterday. I had a family emergency.
BA: It's okay. How are you? How have you been?
IW: I'm good. And you? How long has it been?
BA: Eight years. You look good.
IW: Thank you. I feel amazing.
Just then her office phone rang and she answered it. After speaking for a few minutes,she looked at him and smiled.
IW: That was Mr. Gates. I have to go. We are meeting a group of investors. I'll see you later?
BA: Yes. See you later.
Iris walked away and sighed.
She wondered how long she could work with him under the same roof before she lost her mind and how long she could keep her secret........
The only reason she survived the last eight years.... Her little boy,
Benjamin Joseph West, the fruit of her love for Barry Allen......

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