The Lie I Thought I Lived

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  The Lie I Thought I Lived


There is a small dirt path starting on the central park hill that leads down to the big woods. Once you get to the woods, keep following that small dirt path. Eventually, you get to a small stream, surrounded by beautiful green. The stream runs down to the city outskirts, and eventually goes to the slew. But in that place, surrounded by the beautiful trees, hidden away just enough so that you can't hear all the loud noises of the New York City streets, the water is fresh and clean. I love it there. I secretly wish I could be able to go down there for a few hours to just relax. But of course I can’t. I can imagine the things my friends would say if I told them about it. Me, Haven Berkley, a nature freak. They all expect me to be too busy at the mall or off at some fashion show. But there’s something about that stream that pulls at me.

As I pass by it on my way home from school, I feel a yank at my side in its direction. But I keep walking. I enter the city and pass by the big skyscrapers walking along the crowded sidewalk. I catch a glimpse of myself on the windows reflection. My light-brown-honey coloured hair falling in loose curls over my shoulders. My sky-blue eyes big. I won’t lie, I’m pretty. Beautiful, at that. I just don’t ever truly say it out loud. Which is good, I guess. My friends Carly and Annie, however, say it a lot. Which gets kind of annoying, but oh well.

As I’m walking, I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out of my jean pocket and see that I have a text from my mom. Her name is Samantha, but all my friends call her mama Sam.

“When you coming home?” the text says. I reply back with a simple

“Soon.” and put my phone away.

I must have my dads genes, because I look almost nothing like my mom. She has thick black hair and dark, almost brown skin.  Almost polar opposite to me, with my peach complexion and lighter hair. But I never met my father. Mom told me that he died in a war before I was even born. But that didn’t stop mama from living well. She started a high-end restaurant that took off big, and then bought herself one of those big skyscraper penthouses. That’s where I’ve lived most of my life. But I’m not one of those rich city girls with the snotty attitudes and big purses. My mom wants me to seem the most normal as I can be. Nothing fancy, just normal. And I love that.


So this is the first part of an english assignment I wrote, and everyone said it was really good. So, here it is! I hope you all like it! I'll be updating as much as possible, but since I'm so busy I might have a big ammount of time inbetween chapters. Sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be a litte shorter, but still good! 

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