Chapter 1

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        This story begins with a Bad Ass brother named Daryl Dixon, who wears a vest with angel wings on the back and carries a crossbow everywhere he goes. His favorite vehicle is his motorcycle that he always drives. Shelby Dixon is his 14 year old sister, she is very tough but doesn't like to talk because she has a scarring childhood, and the zombie Apocalypse doesn't help. Their older brother Merle is very abusive to Shelby, He hits her and locks her in a closet with no food, whenever Daryl sees this unacceptable behavior he fist fights with Merle, so you can say Daryl is overly protective of Shelby. 

        "I'm tired." Shelby said. "Stop complaining you little weakling." Merle said, Shelby then bowed her head down in embarrassment, until Daryl said, "I'm tired to, lets go clean out that house." Merle then agreed to Daryl's plan. They all went up to the house then quickly scattered in the house. "Clear." Merle shouted. "Clear." Daryl said. "Its clear over here too." Shelby said. Shelby then went upstairs and entered a room that belonged to a teenage girl. The walls were a light pink but it's very faded and there is family photos hung up all over the room. She searched through the closet to put some new cloths on, and when she looked in the closet she found a black T-Shirt with white writing on it and a gene vest with no sleeves, so she put them on. She opened up her backpack and filled it up with: A brush, some makeup (which she never used before) and some sneakers. Shelby then went downstairs to see Merle smoking on the couch and Daryl felling up his backpack with food. "Hey Shelby come here for a second." Daryl said. "Coming." Shelby replied. Shelby walked in the kitchen to see Daryl sitting on the counter, "Whats up." Shelby said in a curious tone. "Follow me." Daryl demanded. Daryl went towards the door and Shelby is following him from behind, he leads her outside then Daryl sat down on the porch. "Sit down." Daryl said. Shelby then sat down, he then pulled out a Hershey bar and said "Do you remember when you and I always sat down on our porch and split a Hershey bar, well I found this so lets eat it for old time sake's." Shelby then took the Hershey bar from his hand and pilled off the corner of the rapper and then split the Chocolate bar in half, She then handed him the half of the Hershey bar and they devoured it while looking at the sunset. They went back in side it turned dark and they fell asleep. 

        In the morning they left the house to go back on the road, they are heading East to a town that they heard on the radio. It will take them a 5 hour walk to where they need to go, in their 4 hours of walking there was a huge storm of Walkers (walkers is another word for Zombie) and it was hard for them just to kill half of it, but a group then saw their problems and they helped them kill the rest of the walkers. "Hi my name is Shane." a guy said to Merle. "My name is Merle, this is my brother Daryl and my little sister Shelby." "Where are you guys heading." Shane said. "We are heading to that town in the East." Merle replied. "I wouldn't go there, my friends went there and we haven't heard of them sense, I think they are in trouble, but if you want you can come with us, we have a camp set up not to far from here." Shane said. "No its fine, we will be okay on our own." Merle said. but Daryl then quickyly stated, "We should go with them Merle, we shouldn't put our life at risk." Merle then said, "Well I am still going you can go with them and I will check the place out, then I will go to the camp you are going to and I will rub my glory in your face." "If you come back crying like a baby because you almost die then you can kiss my ass." Daryl replied. "Your a good little brother." Merle said. Merle then went off on his own toward the town and Daryl and Shelby followed Shane to his camp.

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